Thursday, April 30, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Down to 4
So I said in my last blog that I put Matt, Danny and Alison in my bottom three with Alison and Matt in the bottom two. What did America think? Let's find out.
Danny and Alison are pulled to one side.
Kris is pulled aside with Matt.
Adam Lambert is asked which group to stand in. He chooses Danny and Alison. He chose wrong because....
Kris, Matt and Adam are the bottom three.
I like that Adam is in the bottom three.
Kris is told he is safe.
Wow, it comes down to Adam and Matt. I love that Adam is the bottom two.
Unfortunately it is Matt who goes home this week not Adam.
Matt brought his game up ALOT from earlier in the competition. I didn't think he would last this long but he picked it up big time so he has nothing to be ashamed about.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Bring on the Whale!

The Boston Bruins open their 2nd round playoff series on Friday night against the Carolina Hurricanes (formally the Hartford Whalers). Carolina is the #6 seed and is the lowest remaining seed in the playoffs as the Bruins beat the #8 Canadiens and the #7 Rangers lost last night in a game 7.
Fri May 1, 2009 @7:30 PM @BOSTON
Sun May 3, 2009 @7:30 PM @BOSTON
Wed May 6, 2009 @7:30 PM @carolina
Fri May 8, 2009 @7:30 PM @carolina
Sun May 10, 2009 @7:30 PM @BOSTON
Tue May 12, 2009 @7:00 PM @carolina
Thu May 14, 2009 @TBD @BOSTON
No preview against the Hurricanes would be complete without the GREAT Brass Bonanaza song.
Labels: Sports
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Top 5 compete
Rat Pack/Big Band songs is the theme for tonight.
Jamie Foxx is the guest tonight... I'm not a big fan.
Kris Allen is singing "The way you look tonight". I can see the women (and boys) swooning for him and I think that helps his cause. He has some real potential with that appeal.
Allison Iraheta is rocking "Someone to watch over me". She just turned 17 during this week. She is such a cute little girl that it is almost tough to picture her being the artist she needs to be. She might be better off losing this competition and coming back in a few years when she can be older. However she is right in the mix this year.
Matt Giraud performs "My Funny Valentine". He's wearing that hat again tonight. Is it a fedora or something else? Either way I think it looks stupid. Even tonight when it would help fit the theme of Rat Pack. Oh ya, he sang too. It was ok. He might be the on to go this week. Him or Danny Gokey I think.
Danny Gokey chose "Come Rain or Come Shine" tonight. I think he is still a one trick pony that is getting old as this competition progresses. In fact it is kind of surprising he has lasted this long. His voice actually worked pretty well tonight until the end when he started going off on a bluesy tangent. He did good enough that I might have to revise my statement above where it is Matt and Danny at the bottom. I still think those two and Allison would make the bottom three this week just be the way the numbers shake out.
Adam "The Seagull" Lambert is singing "Feeling Good" tonight. As usual he will be the one who tweaks the song the most. He's got a shiny white suit on that he must have gotten on one of his "guy shows". He threw the rat pack theme right out the window. I just don't see how anyone can not listen to this guy and not think of rock opera or musical theater. That is the only thing he does. Remind me of Jesus Christ Superstar every time.
So picking the Rat Pack theme is right up there with picking the Disco song. Are they looking for a pop singer or what? Why force them into all these weird themes and genres? That's what I don't get about this show.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
2 of 7 voted off
Again, because of the judge's save last week there will be two people going home tonight.
Interesting montage tonight. Allison was a bit better at dancing than I anticipated.
Lil Rounds is asked to go to the far side of the stage. Wow, Ryan lets her know right there that she is at the end of her journey. Well I guess that makes me 1 for 1 tonight.
Kris Allen is asked to stand. He is safe as I assumed. Not really much drama with him as he nailed it last night.
Adam Lambert is asked to stand. Life is not fair enough to have him lose ... I can dream though. At least put him in bottom 3 to give him reality check. But no, not tonight. He is safe.
Danny Gokey is safe.
Anoop is in the bottom three.
Allison and Matt are the next to stand. Matt is safe. Why does America not like Allison?
Anyways I am pretty sure it is Anoop who is leaving the show tonight but I'm still upset Allison is on the cusp.
Anoop is heading home making me 2 for 2 tonight.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
7 finalists perform
Disco night... Nothing says pop star like disco tunes!
Also because the judges used their save last week, the bottom two will be sent home this week.
Lil Rounds leads off with "I'm every woman". This might actually be one of her more youthful performances which I believe the judges have been asking of her. The judges did not agree and thought it was a poor performance.
Kris Allen is performing "She works hard for her money". He goes for an acoustic feel. Definitely an interesting take. I was unsure what song it was until the chorus. I think Kris might be the most sellable of the remaining contestants. They would like it if he wins. It was a killer performance that shows exactly how he could fit in as a pop star.
Danny Gokey sings "September" tonight. I think this run is too long for Danny. He is kind of revealing himself as limited and a one trick pony. I think he has been slipping each week and this week did nothing to dispute that fact for me.
Allison chose "Hot Stuff" tonight and comes out laying on the steps. At this point I feel the need to remind everyone she is 16 so I'm not so sure how appropriate this is for her. With that said she did an interesting performance. I see her as Pat Benatar. She really seems to be a rocker more than a pop singer. This performance wasn't great but it shows a bit of who she is. She isn't a ballad singing pop star. She wants to come out and sing Rock N Roll, not pop. She could work very well as the winner.
Disco week HAD to have been made for Adam Lambert. With his hairdo tonight his head looks HUGE next to Ryan. Anyways, he will be butchering "If I can't have you" tonight. His voice really has a whiny quality to it. That always strikes me when he tries to sing softly. He manages to get a couple of seagull screeches in. Is it whiny or nasally? Tough to come up with the exact word to describe it.
Matt is singing "Stayin' Alive". Maybe the best disco song ever. He nails it pretty good. I think he is moving up and up every week. He's come a long way from those first few weeks. I like him now.
Anoop is going to bring down the house with "Dim All the Lights". It wasn't that great of a performance and I think he is going to be in the bottom three and probably headed home tonight as one of the two leaving. Too bad.
So I guess the bottom three will be Lil, Anoop and Danny. Though as always I hope Adam is in there. Lil and Anoop are probably headed home although I can see Danny being sent as well.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Chopping down to 6
Woo hoo! The montage is "maniac" from flashdance. You know... This one:
Zack Efron is here and he looks like a wanna be Adam Lambert bag of crap. Sweet hat you jerk ...
America loved Allison this week. She is safe.
Unfortunately Adam is safe and Anoop is in the bottom 3.
Kris and Lil are asked to stand. There goes my bottom three prediction. I had both of them in the bottom three. I did get Lil right as she is in the bottom three.
2 for 3 this week. Matt and Danny are remaining. This one is too close to call. I think Matt is rising and Danny is falling. Is this the week they switch positions?
Nope. Matt is in the bottom three.

Anoop is told he is safe. So it comes down to Matt and Lil.
Before the decision we get a little Hannah Montana. I don't know if I am the only one who knows this but she isn't a great singer. Not the best voice. Her accent also comes through, but I actually like that part. Oh ya, she has lipstick on her front two teeth ... you sometimes forget she is still a young girl and not a polished product.
It looks like it is time for Matt Giraud to leave Idol. It's too bad as he was getting stronger. I don't think he has a chance to be saved by the judges.

Wow, Matt Giraud gets the judges save... I did NOT see that coming at all. I was in the camp that the judges were going to save it for Adam.
I guess the judges saw the same thing I had. He is on the uprise but now he has a lot to live up to.
Wow, next week two will be eliminated. And, as Simon tells us, it will be disco night. That just makes no sense to me. You want them to be contemporary pop stars and then you make them do disco??
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
7 contestants left
Songs of the cinema tonight. This means we are subjected to the annoying Quentin Tarantino.
Allison leads us off tonight with "I don't want to miss a thing". It wasn't a very inspired performance. It definitely left me wanting from her. Paula loved it. Simon liked her as well.
Anoop is singing "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams. I wonder how much longer Anoop is going to be with us. I didn't think he was a very strong singer when this started. The performance tonight was nice. I would have liked him to kick up the chorus a bit more but he did well.
Adam Lambert is butchering "Born to be wild" tonight. Oh look it is the same performance he does every week. Takes a song and screams ans screeches it to the audience while pretending to be a rock star. The faux-punk look has to be out by now right? We get it, you like dudes. Now go back to the stage where you belong because I don't think you will be selling albums to middle america. Simon nails it on the head calling it the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". True that Simon, true that.
"Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman" is Matt Giraud's song choice tonight. Our second Bryan Adams song on the night. He does an interesting take on the song. It is slow to get started but once it does it has a nice melody to it. He is getting better as the competition moves along.
Danny Gokey is singing "Endless Love". No glasses for Danny tonight. This is a great romantic song. Danny doesn't quite do it justice. It is a good performance though especially when he starts belting out the song. He needs to lose the George Michael beard though.
Kris Allen sang "Falling Slowly" tonight. An obscure song. I think he did the song pretty well and similar to the original.
Lil is singing "The Rose". She sounds pretty bad to start for me. Is she nasally? Her voice is a bit shaky. It almost doesn't even sound like her tonight. She did sound off tonight to me.
I think Lil might be in trouble. I'll throw in Kris and Anoop in the bottom thee as well. Still rooting for Adam though.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Results Show
What is more American Idol than Frankie Avalon? Seriously though, there are a lot of parents who much watch the show with their kids so this might be in their wheelhouse.
Why would you make the final 8 sing "Can't get you out of my head" when you only have 2 women left? This season continues to boggle the mind.
They made the idols do some horrible photo shoot by an Adam Lambert look alike director. Right up his alley. Horrible.
Adam, Kris and Anoop are asked to stand. Anoop is in the bottom three. The other two are safe.
Matt Giraud is safe. Scott is in the bottom three. Allison is safe but Lil is in the bottom three.
Anoop, Scott and Lil make up the bottom three. Not sure if the judges would use their saves on any of these guys. Maybe Lil but it is a moot point as Lil is told she is safe.
There is no way they would use it on Anoop and I think Scott has worn thin with the judges now. It is indeed Scott. Simon claims it is all tied up with the judges but I'm pretty sure that there is no chance they will keep him.
Sure enough the judges do not use their save and Scott is going home.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Performance Show
Yup the DVR tells me we have the same title as last week. However this week the contestants will be singing songs from the year they were born.
Danny Gokey is singing "Stand by me". It was ok. Not spectacular. He's getting pretty boring.
Kris Allen is singing "All she wants to do is dance". He's been growing on me and I think America as well. He is playing the guitar in the middle of the audience. The performance is missing some the emotion that you would've hoped for. Even the girls surrounding him are a bit lame and not real into it.
Lil Rounds is singing Tina Turner's (shocker) "What's love got to do with it". I find Lil to be a little of the stereotypical black female singer. She also failed to deliver the emotion of the song like Tina was able to. A very lack luster version of the song.
Anoop Desai is performing "True Colors" tonight. See this is what I like about Anoop a very odd song choice but a good song. It was an interesting performance. Not terrible nor great, solid though.
Scott the creepy dude will be singing "The search is over". Hmm, interesting song. Oh, it sounds like all his other. Too mature and he is staring off blindly. Yes a cheap joke but seriously he has a creepy look to him and I can't past that. He is also singing too old and even wearing a button down undone is not going to make him youthful.
Allison Iraheta is performing "I can't make you love me" which is from 1992. Yup she is much younger than the others. I'm a bit scared of the song choice for her. Wow I was wrong. This was a great performance as it shows she can slow it down and sing a mature song. She doesn't need to just be an energy singer. She really looks like she can sing any song. She's got a great voice. I don't mention what the judges say anymore but Randy dropped the Kelly Clarkson card on her and I agree. I like the comparison. She does need to show some more personality but she is a front runner.
Matt Giraud is singing "Part time lovers" by Stevie Wonder from 1985. He's a guy who's been picking it up the past few weeks. Sure his hat is stupid tonight but his performance was pretty good. I wonder if he is intentionally going for the Justin Timberlake at this point?
Interestingly enough my DVR cut off at this point. Actually this isn't a bad thing. Now I don't have to see what song Adam Lambert decided to butcher tonight.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Thursday, April 02, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Results Show
So here we are. Time to eliminate one more person.
Good opening montage to Journey's "Don't stop believing". Adam Lambert only ruined it a little bit.
Megan, Matt and Kris are called out to the middle of the stage. They are left hanging while Adam, Lil and Allison are asked to stand. They are also asked to go to the center of the stage.
Scott, Danny and Anoop are asked to stand.
They are divided up into groups and are told one group could be bottom three. Is it Megan, Matt and Kris or is it Scott, Danny and Anoop? I leant to the dudes but I am surprised Danny would be in it if that is the case.
Oh wait they do it differently. Kris is told he is safe. Matt is safe. Megan is in the bottom three and she does a weird bird dance. I think she read the blogs and knows a little something about what is keeping her safe.
Lil is safe.
Somehow Allison is in the bottom three!! WTF!!
Adam is safe even though he sucks.
Danny is safe even though he is getting boring.
It comes down to Scott and Anoop. Anoop is sent over with the other two, Megan and Allison.
Truth be told I am upset that any of these three will be sent home. If it is Allison I think the judges may save her.
As a side note, WTF is Lady Gaga doing ith her song poker face. She stars out on a piano in a weird metal outfit. She's a weirdo who I wanted to like but now I am confused...
Thankfully Allison is safe. She is the most talented of the three...
Megan is the one going home and Simon admits that they won't consider saving her so she is gone regardless of performance.
Well there goes the last bit of sex appeal Idol had. Good luck holding onto my attention for the rest of the season.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television