Tuesday, April 07, 2009

American Idol - Season 8
Performance Show

Yup the DVR tells me we have the same title as last week. However this week the contestants will be singing songs from the year they were born.

Danny Gokey is singing "Stand by me". It was ok. Not spectacular. He's getting pretty boring.

Kris Allen is singing "All she wants to do is dance". He's been growing on me and I think America as well. He is playing the guitar in the middle of the audience. The performance is missing some the emotion that you would've hoped for. Even the girls surrounding him are a bit lame and not real into it.

Lil Rounds is singing Tina Turner's (shocker) "What's love got to do with it". I find Lil to be a little of the stereotypical black female singer. She also failed to deliver the emotion of the song like Tina was able to. A very lack luster version of the song.

Anoop Desai is performing "True Colors" tonight. See this is what I like about Anoop a very odd song choice but a good song. It was an interesting performance. Not terrible nor great, solid though.

Scott the creepy dude will be singing "The search is over". Hmm, interesting song. Oh, it sounds like all his other. Too mature and he is staring off blindly. Yes a cheap joke but seriously he has a creepy look to him and I can't past that. He is also singing too old and even wearing a button down undone is not going to make him youthful.

Allison Iraheta is performing "I can't make you love me" which is from 1992. Yup she is much younger than the others. I'm a bit scared of the song choice for her. Wow I was wrong. This was a great performance as it shows she can slow it down and sing a mature song. She doesn't need to just be an energy singer. She really looks like she can sing any song. She's got a great voice. I don't mention what the judges say anymore but Randy dropped the Kelly Clarkson card on her and I agree. I like the comparison. She does need to show some more personality but she is a front runner.

Matt Giraud is singing "Part time lovers" by Stevie Wonder from 1985. He's a guy who's been picking it up the past few weeks. Sure his hat is stupid tonight but his performance was pretty good. I wonder if he is intentionally going for the Justin Timberlake at this point?

Interestingly enough my DVR cut off at this point. Actually this isn't a bad thing. Now I don't have to see what song Adam Lambert decided to butcher tonight.

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