
I am headed down to (west of) Philadelphia on Thursday to visit some college friends, Todd and Becky. One of them is expecting twins at the end of the month. I'm not going to tell you which one though!
I'm blinding you with SCIENCE!
Check out the weird way in which mercury thiocyanide burns.
Also check out this video of a levitating train. It is pretty cool and creates a frictionless train. Has potential for real life use but so far it is just theory.
Labels: Science
The Waldo Ultimatum - The Imponderables
I saw this and just had to post it. It is a trailer spoof of The Bourne Ultimatum (obviously) and it has several sight gags that are hilarious.
Labels: Humor
How I Met Your Mother

So I was not real happy with the season premier. It was a bit too sappy and not enough humor. If this is how the show is turning then it is not going to be watchable. Hopefully in the upcoming episodes the humor will return. There was no reason for them to emasculate Barney like they have. He was a great character but now they have ruined him. They need to put this crush storyline right behind them and completely ignore that it ever happened. That is except for occasional small throwaway lines in future episodes that allude to it.
Labels: Television
"Heroes" Is back

Man I am super confused on this show. Maybe I should have watched the 1 hour recap show because I am not sure I remember ANYTHING about what has happened in the past. I will sit down with some people and get a recap.
Labels: Television
The Biggest Loser

So I love watching this show. I like the end of the seasons when they show just how much weight they've lost. Usually over 100 pounds!!
I just watched the season premier episode. It is amazing how easy it is to drop those first big numbers. They jsut work their butts off and eat right. Eating right and going for walks can help soo much. There is no reason to be as big as these people.
I know I got big. It is easy to do. I got up to at least 280 pounds. It was easier for me to hide since I am 6'4". Looking back at my pictures it is ridiculous that I didn't think I was that big. Surprisingly it was easy to lose the first 20 pounds. Making myself eat salads and veggies was key. Then hitting the gym, especially the exercise bike, did the rest.
Now I hover around 240 pounds. Still overweight but better. I was staying around 235 and I would like to dip below 230. Ultimately being around 210 or 215 would put me in good shape. However I still like some bad foods so it is a struggle for me to balance that. I also tend to get sore and achy in my legs which lessens my desire to run or cycle.
Guess I will just have to try harder.
Labels: Television
Better In Time - Leona Lewis
Unfortunately I can only link to the real video and can not embed it into my blog because someone decided they didn't want this video/song to spread virally. Thanks music execs!!
So here is the song that someone put a picture montage over.
Labels: Music
Raising The Bar

After watching another above decent episode of this show I was struck by the strange circle of life of tv. Natalia Cigliuti has been added to the show. Who is she?

That said the show has been interesting so far. It is not strictly a court room drama as it more has to do with the lawyer/client relationships and more specifically the defender/defendant relationship.
Labels: Television
Paper Planes - M.I.A.
M.I.A.'s real name? Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam according to wikipedia. She is a British artist who is of Sri Lankan descent.
I heard this song in Pineapple Express.
In case you were wondering about the lyrics you can find the lyrics here
No one on the corner has swagger like us
Hit me on my Burner prepaid wireless
We pack and deliver like UPS trucks
Already going hell just pumping that gas
Labels: Music

So another series premier this week. "Fringe" is a new show on Fox. I think it is yet another replacement for X-files. It has the same weird sciences vibe. However this show has the added advantage of starring Joshua Jackson! He actually did a good job. He plays the son of a scientist who is now in a mental institution. Wow, a truly mad scientist! Jackson's character is, of course, a genius with a 190 IQ. The father was into all sorts of weird sciences or psuedosciences that deal with the mind including mind readings and reanimation. It seems that father and son will be the science team on this show.
Have I yet to mention that the father's old lab mate is now the leader of huge international company in hi-tech sciences and is worth billions of dollars. Some quick foreshadowing has indicated that this big company will be the "bad guys" at least for a while.
This first episode was not terrible. I have yet to determine the story line/arc for the season but this show might be watchable. Might even be enjoyable but I do not like to base too much off of pilots. The second show is the real deal.
If you liked X-files and other sci-fi based dramas then you should give this a shot.
Overall the first
Labels: Television
Matt Damon Speaks Out Against Sarah Palin
He cites 1 out of 3 chance that McCain dies while in office causing a very real chance of Palin becoming president.
Of course I only base my political beliefs on what those in Hollywood tell me so right now I am leaning towards Obama ...
Ok, so in reality I like to make my own opinions but I too am concerned with Sarah Palin as president. I would not vote for her but due to McCains's health and age I feel that I need to be very careful about the VP. That is why I think he should've gone a much safer route. Of course he may be trying to pull in the Hilary supporters that are refusing to vote for Obama since Hilary didn't get the nomination. I think that is a sad situation if her followers indeed voted for the other party just because they didn't want to vote for Obama.
I still like McCain more than Obama but the Palin worries me and I do NOT want her to be in office so I have a dilemma.
Labels: Politics
Sons Of Anarchy

I've watched the 2nd episode of "Sons of Anarchy" and I have to say this show is enjoyable and I am excited about this show. Katey Sagal's character is very intriguing. She plays the mother of the lead character, Jax (Charlie Hunnam), who is the 2nd in line to the presidency of the motor cycle club who are also in the gun running game. She seems to be the true leader of the gang as the wife of the current president and the mother of the future president.
Though I have only seen two episodes this last one has left me wanting more. The gang is in the middle of trouble as the Mayans and white supremacists are joining forces to try to drive the gang out of their town, which they have a strangle grip on.
I am going to continue to watch this show as it develops and hope it can give me a full season of drama and entertainment.
Labels: Television
Raising the Bar

I caught the show starring Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) and I actually thought it was pretty good. It's about former law school classmates who interact in court as DA's and ADA's and defense counsel's. The first episode was actually pretty good. I finally watched it tonight which also was the airing of the second episode. Hopefully the second episode is as good.
Labels: Television
My two dads - Watch more free videos
Labels: Humor
Oklahoma City Thunder
That is the name the that the nickname the scum sucking Clay Bennett and his gang finally decided on. Ok, so Thunder isn't a terrible nickname for the ball club. However the logo is another story.

Yup. That is a pretty lame logo. It will definitely be replaced with in two years if not after this season. The whole process was rushed and the results show that. The generic font of "Thunder" Just looks ridiculous. There was no way better to incorporate that? I'm not crazy about the blue, red and orange color scheme too. Kind of looks close to the bobcats colors. This is just too generic. I am not a fan of it.
I am very curious to see the uniforms now too. I'm not sure how they can make this logo and color scheme look good at all.
Labels: Sports
NBA forcing ESPN to protect its image?
In an ESPN article about Mario Chalmers and Darrell Arthur getting thrown out of the NBA's rookie transition program because they had marijuana and women in their room they mentioned that #2 pick Michael Beasley was in the room as well.
"A source said No. 2 overall pick Michael Beasley was also in the room. The NBA, however, said Beasley is not believed to have been involved."
Is the NBA forcing ESPN to eliminate that line so they don't have to be embarrassed that a top pick was caught with drugs? Or is it simply a case that ESPN could find the source credible enough to keep the line in the story? I'll that for you to decide.
Labels: Sports
Did Credit Card companies stop MythBusters?
The first two minutes is MythBusters' Adam Savage explaining why MythBusters will not be doing a show on the fallibilities of RFID technology.
In the video, Savage says that a conference call was arranged between co-host Tory Belleci and Texas Instruments to talk about the RFID vulnerabilities. But when Bellici and a MythBusters producer got on the call at the appointed time, "Texas Instruments comes on along with chief legal counsel for American Express, Visa, Discover, and everybody else....(Bellici and the MythBusters producer) were way, way out-gunned and (the lawyers) absolutely made it really clear to Discovery that they were not going to air this episode talking about how hackable this stuff was, and Discovery backed way down, being a large corporation that depends upon the revenue of the advertisers. Now it's on Discovery's radar and they won't let us go near it."
Of course Texas Instruments is claiming that is not quite the true story and offers their own version of the call. Who has more reason to lie? Texas Instruments/Credit card companies of course. They are the ones with money on the line if the technology becomes cracked/hacked or otherwise manipulated. MythBusters just loses a segment or a show so thus they have nothing to lose by exposing any problems with the technology.
This should be fairly frightening if you use any RFID technology. If they don't fully trust their product why should you?
Labels: Television
New American idol Judge?!?
Who does she replace? No one. She is being added as a fourth judge.
Kara DioGuardi who I don't know from a hole in the wall is the new judge. This girl isn't horrible looking but she is not super attractive. I guess she has had some songs hit the charts and have been sold but still. Who is she? I'm not sure I like the idea of four judges either.
"We had originally intended for American Idol to have four judges," said executive producer Cecile Frot-Coutaz. "We've seen from our international series that having a fourth judge creates a dynamic that benefits both the contestants and the viewers."
Apparently they think that it is a good idea, but what about selecting people for Hollywood? Do they only have to get 2 judges to say yes or at least 3? I'm not sure I like this and I think it is yet another sign that American Idol may be at it's end.
Labels: American Idol, Television
It's good to see Joe E. Tata working again. However the new version of 90210 showed its first major flaw withing seconds of premiering. The principal (Rob Estes) and his wife (Lori Laughlin) have a son and daughter. The son, is apparently an adopt black kid (played by Tristan Wilds). So this is just such an incredible stretch in the name of diversity. Why can't you just have a friend at West Beverly be the token black guy. At least allow the show some credibility off the bat.
Ugh. So far so odd. Several tie ins to the original. Including Andrea Zuckerman's daughter Hannah being a school news reporter. No more newspaper for this generation now it is a television delivered medium. Of course this leads to the designated "cool" teacher (played by Ryan Eggold), whom appears to be just a Matthew Fox looking guy, to say "that girl looks about 30". Of course that is a joke referencing to how old Gabrielle Carteris (playing Andrea Zuckerman) looked/was.
Oh did I mention Jennie Garth's sister (played by Jessica Stroup)? Yup she had a sister in the original show. She goes by Silver. You know that was Brian Austin Green's characters last name.
The show also had a great opening scene of the high school. Lots of fancy cars and a boy receiving oral sex in his car. Fantastic. And later a penis joke. Oh boy.
On a real network I don't think this show would last more than a month. However this is on the CW which means it might even run for a couple of years.
Labels: Television
Airline fees
Since airlines are now adding fees for everything from baggage to pillows here is a convenient little list showing most airline's fees.
I would like to thank American Airlines for charging passengers a fee on their first piece of baggage. On behalf of all passengers I want to thank your for forcing more cheapskates to bring those HUGE carry-on bags that take up all the overhead bin space so my little backpack can't fit and has to be shoved under the seat in front of me. It is especially convenient for an average size American like myself (6'4") who is already squeezing his body into your huge legroom (approx. 7"). Don't forget, it's customers first!!