American Idol - Results Show
Ouch. What a painful Neil Diamond montage to start off the show. Not very good for ANYONE.
First one safe ... Jason Castro. No real surprise. The fans love him.
2nd person brought out ... David Archuleta. He should be in no problem... Sure enough, he is headed to the sofa as he is safe.
David Cook, Brooke White and Syesha Mercado remain with their status in doubt. Odds are it will be the two ladies as I mentioned yesterday.
David Cook is the third contestant brought out ... He is of course safe. No surprises tonight it seems.
Who will be the one sent home? I am sure we will have to wait until the end of the show.
Now back for the final results.
Brooke White is going home. Not a real surprise. Only surprising in the fact that she has lasted this long. She had some moments but she jsut isn't the right fit for this competition. No slight to her. I am sure she is a good person.
They might as well skip next weeks show as we all know America will vote of Syesha, so lets just get down to the final 3 and figure out who is going to win this competition.
Labels: American Idol
American Idol - Neil Diamond Night Recap
Gotta love Neil Diamond Night. I am kind of excited to hear this. I am a sucker for Sweet Caroline, Cherry Cherry, and America. Let's see how it goes.
Jason Castro is doing "Forever in Blue Jeans" and "September Morn". I know I like Forever in Blue Jeans, but not sure on September Morn.
Forever in Blue Jeans is first and it goes off adequately. I don't think he did anything special with it. It was pleasant though, not bad.
David Cooke is singing "I'm Alive" and "All I really Need is You". I am not sure I know either and Neil Diamond says that not many people are familiar with the song.
He leads off with "I'm Alive". Again, not great. He tried to rock it a bit. Just not that memorable as Simon would say.
Brooke White is doing "I'm a Believer" and "I am, I said". I like "I am, I said" and I enjoyed "I'm a Believer" when done by the Monkees.
Brooke's "I'm a Believer" seems a bit wavey. Her voice has a bit of a vibration to it leading into the song. Not sure it was the best song choice for her. She loosened up a bit towards the latter half of the song. Paula was dancing. She finished strong. Not bad, not awesome though. A pleasant surprise for me.
David Archuleta gets "Sweet Caroline" and "Coming to America" which means he has the edge going into this. Almost everyone loves Caroline. America is great too.
I do NOT like the way he started Caroline. He is sucking out some of the up beat funness of the song. He recovers a bit in the chorus though. I think he flattens the song out too much and takes away some of the bar singing fun that is the song. I am sure the judges will love it though.
Syesha Mercado is doing "Hello Again" and "Thank the Lord for the Nighttime". Let's see if she can make these songs her own and connect with the audience which she needs to do soon if she hopes to continue.
She starts "Hello Again" with a new hair-do. I like it. Straight and long down the sides. She almost looks like a whole different person. She sure is belting the song out. She is making a decent connection with the camera. She definitely has the best vocals in this group. By far. I thought this was a good performance for her.
That is the end of the first songs.
Quick notes from the judges.
Jason - Just ok.
David C. - very good.
Brooke - still a bit karaoke
David A. - The Bomb
Syesha - Strong
Paula (is a mess):
No idea
Jason - forgetable
David C. - Jsut above average
Brooke - A nightmare
David A. - amateurish
Syesha - Old fashioned.
Jason Castro is back with "September Morn". Not his best night. A nice little ballad but not one that fits him all that well. Just a so-so night for him in my eyes.
Randy says he doesn't think that he did great tonight. "Just OK".
Paula called him out for playing it safe. If Paula doesn't like it, you are not in good shape.
Simon called him out for not putting in enough effort and being unrecognizable tonight.
I think he has a strong enough following that he should be ok this week.
David Cooke is doing "All I really need is You". He is performing it as a ballad. I do not like the beginning. He picks it up a bit into the song. It's a boring song for me. But I can hear it as some crap on the top 40 radio for him. So I think it will go over well with judges.
Randy - thought he rocked the house.
Paula - thought he pulled it off.
Simon - Thought first song was ok, second was brilliant. Said he felt like the song was being recorded THIS year.
He should fly into the next round.
Brooke White's second song ("I am, I said") starts with her at the piano. Wow, I really feel like this song was written for her. I think she may be too folksy for American Idol, but I thought this song was very good for her.
Randy - Nice Job!
Paula - She had fun and it works.
Simon - Hated the first song. It wasn't incredible but it was well done.
As usual she may be on the chopping block. It's a numbers game at this point. Was the second song enough to sway America? We'll see tomorrow.
David Archuleta perfoms "America". He had a glitch in his voice early in the song. I just find him bland. I do not think he does a very inspiring version of the song. I am not sure I get it with this kid. His voice has a weird sound to it to me. I don't know.
Randy - Another good performance.
Paula - Perfect song for you.
Simon - Right choice of song. Very good.
He will sail into the next round as well. He also appears to have a huge fan base which is what really counts in these.
Syesha Mercado closes the show with "Thank the Lord for the Nighttime". It appears she may be trying to work on her showmanship more this week. It is something she needed to do to win over fans. She made the song pretty fun.
Randy - She finally realized who you are.
Paula - I love her.
Randy - I think you may be in trouble tonight. Simon thinks that because of the numbers.
Speaking of numbers I think it will be Syesha and Brooke on the chopping block. Mostly because America has proven they love the 3 guys. So that leaves the two ladies as the favorites to be lowest vote totals.
I say Brooke has the edge to leave but if it is Syesha I would not be surprised.
Labels: American Idol
Everything Old is New Again

Some students at Centennial High School have shaved vertical lines into their eyebrows in a trend recently made popular by hip-hop star Soulja Boy. School officials say the mark looks like a gang symbol.
Doesn't this trend seem familiar?

Cookie Dough Sport (gatorade spoof)
A brilliant commercial parody from the folks at Saturday Night Live
Born in August? You could be in the Majors!
Why do so many pro baseball players have August birthdays?
Interesting article that discusses why American born players born in August are more likely to reach the majors (compared to July and other months). The reason actually seems to boil down to the magical date of July 31st being the usual cut off for sports leagues.
For more than 55 years, July 31 has been the age-cutoff date used by virtually all nonschool-affiliated baseball leagues in the United States.
Sony Bravia - Superballs commercial
See the High Res version at Sony's site
American Idol Results Show - Mariah Carey week
So Ryan Seacrest divided them into two groups. Originally Jason, Carly and Syesha in one group and Brooke, Kristy Lee and David (Cook) in the other group. He later asked David C. to swap with Syesha to make the groups:
Jason, Carly and David C.
Brooke, Kristy Lee and Syesha.
He then told David Archuleta that he was safe. He also joked that he should pick a group. David A. of course refused.
We come to find out that Jason, Carly and David C. was safe.
To be honest I was surprised that Carly made it into the safe group. I thought for sure she was bottom 3.
The bottom three was Brooke, Kristy Lee and Syesha.
Who is going home?
Not Syesha, she was told she was safe. That left Brooke and Kristy Lee.
And quite the surprise ... Brooke is safe. That means Kristy Lee Cook is going home. I am a bit surprised. I thought she was better than Brooke but I guess I was wrong. I liked her and would not be surprised at all if we hear from her again. I bet Randy or Simon gets her signed. As usual it is a better thing not to win, you get more freedom in the contract and not the long 3 album contract.
Oh well. I am more surprised Carly is still around to be honest.
Labels: American Idol
American Idol -- Mariah Carey Night
Disclaimer ... not sure I like Mariah Carey songs enough for this episode.
David Archuleta was up first. The judges seemed to like him. I guess he was good, but I'm not sure of the song. He was just all right for me.
Carly Smithson was second. Ugh, "I waaas, I was". I don't really like her. She seems disingenuous. Not sure why, but I get that feeling.
She is singing "Without You". This is actually a song I know and like. Carly is singing it a bit deeper than Mariah, I think. She did it much softer too, not belting it like Mariah did. Not sure on her arrangements for these songs. Seems she feels the need to change them too much. I have actually heard her sing better than this before. I didn't really like it.
Randy seemed just so-so with the song. Paula tried to make the best of it but not sure she came across too positive. Simon wanted her to sing the song, but didn't think she was able to pull it off. I agree. He said she was over-thinking it (kind of like what I said above too).
Syesha Mercado is singing "Vanishing" another one that I am not sure I know.
I'm not sure she was able to make the connection with the audience. This continues to be her biggest problem. It sure isn't the singing as she nails that part.
The judges? Randy liked it, thought it was the toughest song to sing of the night. Paula rambled but liked it. Simon said it was very good technically but is afraid that she picked a song that not many people know. This is a valid concern. I'm waiting for someone to do dream lover or one of the popular songs I know. Overall they liked her performance.
Brooke White is singing "Hero", a song I am familiar with so it will be easier for me to judge Brooke. This goes to the point Simon made above. If American knows the song, they probably think they can easier judge when it is sung well. Of course if you try to sing it differently (as Brooke has too since she is a different singer) then this could also backfire.
As she is singing, I am afraid that it is indeed backfiring. It is just Brooke and a piano and it seems a bit too bar singer for me. She seems almost monotoned through the song. She is hurrying through it and keeping the pace very fast. I didn't really like it.
Randy didn't like the bridge and seemed tepid on the whole thing. Paula likes her uniqueness. Paula mentioned that she sped up through the song. So it wasn't just me then. Simon said she was kind of forced to do it in the style she did. She was in trouble with Mariah's songs. She just doesn't have a strong enough voice for this week.
Kristy Lee Cook is probably going to turn "Forever" into a song into a country style version since that is what she has to do to be a good singer.
She comes out in a dress, she must be uncomfortable in it being a tomboy. Will she do her knee pump move in a dress? Time will tell. She seems to be singing very confidently. that will really sell a song. I liked it. It worked well for her. She did do a small knee pump in there by the way.
Randy tried to say he didn't love it, but I think he enjoyed it. Paula, I think, is saying she is coming on strong. Simon didn't love it, but acknowledged she was in a tough spot with Mariah songs. That seems to be the theme for the night, no one is suited for her songs. What a shock.
David Cook chose "Always Be My Baby" and I am sure he will try to rock it out. Did I mention that I don't like Chris Daughtry? I say this because David Cook is trying to go the same route. Sweet, another vest with a skinny tie hung loose around the neck. Hasn't he tried this before?
His version of this song actually had some good parts to it for me. Then again I do actually like when bands cover songs and change the genre of them. Yeah, I do kind of like his version. I bet one of the judges mentions that they thought Mariah's songs were going to be tough on him but he pulled it off.
Randy thinks he is ready to make an album, more so than any other on the show. That is high praise I suppose. I bet he is hoping that he doesn't win now. That way he can get a contract on his own and not be tied into the winner's contract. Paula says he has the whole package. Simon liked the originality of the song. He should be safe.
Jason Castro is performing "I don't want to cry". I think this will be a struggle for him. He still creeps me out. He has bongos playing this song. He reminds me of Seal maybe? Anyone else feel that too? For the most part his songs still bore me.
Randy didn't love it. Paula loved it. I guess she still has a crush on him. Simon surprisingly liked it. I thought it would be too campy for Simon. That was the biggest surprise for me.
My bottom three?
Carly Smithson
Jason Castro
Brooke White
My alternate (in case people liked Jason Castro, although I think it was too odd) is Syesha unfortunately. I'm not sure she is going to pull it together in time to win.
Surprisingly I think Kristy Lee Cook is safe this week. I know she has flirted with the bottom three many times, but I think people may be getting her and she is finishing strong.
We shall see tomorrow night I guess.
Labels: American Idol
What state is closest to Africa?
Would you believe it is Maine?
From central Morocco on the coast to Cutler, ME is 3,168 miles. From the Morocco/Mauritania border on the coast to West Palm Beach, FL (the closest FL is to Africa) it is 3,963 miles (nearly 800 miles farther).
Once source can be found on Yahoo! Answers
malapropism: an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, esp. by the confusion of words that are similar in sound.*
The English language is always developing. What is wrong today may become acceptable tomorrow (I'm looking at you irregardless!) but until then, these are still commonly used wrong:
- brunt force: use blunt force or brute force instead
- Queue the soundtrack: Cue is the verb, Queue is the noun
- pony up to the bar: belly up to the bar or pony up to pay the bill.
- Plays a factor: either be a factor, or play a part
Read the full article at
* Definition obtained from
Sox Jersey recovered from New Yankee Stadium.
After proof was delivered to the NY Post:

The shirt was recovered in an official ceremony:

Now the Yankees will donate the shirt to the Jimmy Fund (presumably to be auctioned). So I think digging up lends a little credence to the "curse" factor, but really it is just the Yankees taking the time to drum up a little free publicity.
pictures and information from:
Labels: Sports
Hockey on TV
While watching the Bruins game tonight I was reminded how good of a sport hockey can be. It has never translated well to television for some reason. Here is a hint for the producers. Don't feel the need to be zoomed in tight on the puck a lot (if at all). Let us see the play develop. Try to show the entire attacking zone, so we can see what is going off the puck. Especially on power plays it is important to see what is happening away from the puck.
American Idol Results Show
My picks:
Top 3:
David Archuleta
Michael Johns
Jason Castro (ugh)
Middle 2:
Syesha Mercado
Kristy Lee Cook
Bottom 3:
Carly Smithson
Brooke White
David Cook
So the Bottom three was actually
Michael Johns, Syesha Mercado (no!!), and Carly Smithson (I got one right!).
Of those three I was hoping for Carly Smithson. It wouldn't be bad if Michael Johns was gone either. But I think Carly's time is up.
Wow Michael Johns had the fewest votes. I'm kind of surprised. I thought the ladies liked him enough to keep him in. I would've kept him in over Carly.
America speaks I guess. Down goes the foreigner!!
Labels: American Idol
shit show
ok I just saw this as a friend's away message "shower, getting ready for a shitshow". I haven't talked to this friend in a long long time. Like years. So my question is, when did people start using this phrase? I know my circle of friends started to use it like 3 years ago. Not sure how it came into our use, but at that point I hadn't heard anyone else use it.
So, yes. I am thinking our phrase got out into the wild. I want to make a case that we created it. Arguments?
picking a movie with the girlfriend
Stolen ruthlessly from John at the
The 5-1 method
Ok, here’s how the 5-1 method works, it’s really quite simple. Once you get to the DVD store, 1 person (on their own) picks out 5 DVDs they’d like to see. When picking out the DVDs it’s important to pick movies that you’d like to see, but that you don’t think the other person would HATE (notice I didn’t say pick movies you think the other person will LIKE, but ones you don’t instantly think they’ll HATE). This process goes pretty fast since picking out 5 you’d like to see is ironically FASTER than trying to pick out just one. Once the 5 are picked out, the second person picks 1 movie from the five picked by the other person. It’s just that simple.
You see, this way the first person is guaranteed to end up with a movie they’re interested in seeing that night, and with 5 choices of movies that the first person doesn’t think they’ll hate, the second person has a pretty decent chance of getting a movie they’re at least modestly interested in seeing. The final decision on which movie they’ll see is up to them (the second person).
It’s important that the first person picks at LEAST 5 dvds. The more movies the first person picks, the higher the chances are that at least a couple of them will be ones the second person will have some interest in.
Here are some tips for making the 5-1 Method work even better:
a) Scan the DVD store’s website to see what’s new in advance. This will make the trip to the store itself even faster so more time can be spent at home watching the movie (and hopefully time for breast access following the movie)
b) Take turns between who picks the 5 and who makes the final choice. In the 5-1 Method, the person who picks the initial 5 has the advantage because they are guaranteed to get a movie they’re interested in. Switch it up UNLESS you try it once one way and both parties like it like that.
c) If possible, try to decide on a basic genre before hitting the store. Comedy, Horror, Drama, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Erotic, Period Piece… whatever. This isn’t necessary, but it might make things go a bit faster and easier if you both happen to be in the mood for the same KIND of movie.
American Idol Recap/Thoughts
Inspirational song Week.
Michael Johns was first up singing Dream On by Aerosmith. This is one of a few songs I actually like by Aerosmith. The beginning of the song was fairly bland for me. I don't think he pulled it off. He voice was almost too manly and/or low for it. Not a good song choice for him. He tried to hit the high screech at the end, but it was still lacking.
Randy thought it was a pretty good song for him but just thought it was all right.
Paula loved it, not surprisingly. She thought it was perfect. "You sound as good as you look". I believe that sums up Paula's feelings about him (this season's crush for her).
Simon said the performance was pretty good, but he does not like when Michael does an impersonation of a rock star.
Not a great start in my opinion.
Syesha Mercado was up second. "I believe" by Fantasia was her choice.
She is my favorite remaining. She has a good look and is very good singer to top it off. That is a good combo. Picking an idol song is a good way to get in favor with the judge.
She started with Ryan giving a shout out to Ramiele who was elminated last week and was also her roomate since hollywood week.
I'm not real impressed with the song itself. Syesha definitly has the voice to pull off any song. She can perform as well. I think she has to be considered top 3 of this contest and anything less is a shame. The performance ended with a hell of a hitting of a high note. A very very good performance.
Randy loves Fantasia but didn't find that Syesha made a special connection with her. Sounds like he was too busy promoting Fantasia then judging Syesha.
Paula said it was one of Syesha's "most shining nights". Ok.
Simon thought she sang it well. He did say Syesha lacked a little bit of the emotion from her. Sounds similar to what Randy said, she needs to make more of a connection through the songs.
Not too bad from the judges.
Up next Jason Castro singing "somewhere over the rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo "brother Iz". Now I love this song. I first heard it in "50 first dates" starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. I am not a fan of Jason, his eyes and blank stare kind of creep me out.
The song starts and I am already feeling it is subpar to Iz's version. He does a weird high pitched part in the middle and that just seems so out of place for me. I did not like that. Overall I was not a fan. He remade a remake.
Randy loved that song, thought it was the hottest of the night.
Paula thinks Jason has a unique sound and loves him.
Simon thought it was fantastic.
I am amazed. I didn't think he did a great job of it. I bet America will continue to love him though. He will be safe especially with those great comments from the judges.
Kristy Lee Cook is singing "Anyway" by Martina McBride. A good choice already picking a country song. That fits in with her strengths.
The song I am unfamiliar with but sounds decent and countryish. Of course she does a good job with it. She will have a country album at the end of this competition no problem. I am actually fairly impressed with her performance. She still does this weird leg thing. She puts it out in front of her and kind of taps her foot. You will notice it now that I mentioned it. I think this might be the best I have seen her on Idol. Will the Judges agree?
Randy thought it was a bit pitchy but he loved it for her.
Paula thought she outdid herself and thought it was her best so far. Looks like she agrees with me.
Simon liked it a lot. Implied that she nailed the song and said she looked like a star tonight.
She might actually be out of the bottom 3 for the first time in a while.
David Cook "the rocker" is singing "innocent" from his favorite band, Our Lady Peace.
I'm not sold on David yet. Let's see what he can do with a song I am not familiar with. The song starts off very muffled. What is he doing? Trying to smother the microphone with his mouth? I am not very impressed. He did a walk through the crowd up to the judges but it doesn't sound too much like singing to me. At the end he reveals a message on his palm. "give back". A nice little gimmick that might buy him some points with America but I just think is a cheesy ploy.
Randy said he likes David but didn't get it tonight.
Paula thought it was good and added some mumbles.
Simon did not like it at all. Thought it was a bit pompous and his weakest performance in many weeks.
So it wasn't just me that felt it was a lackluster performance. I like when the judges and me agree.
Carly Smithson is singing "The Show Must Go On" by Queen. I am curious to hear what she does with this song. I think it could be one she could really own and rock it. Or she could bomb it.
The beginning is very similar to Queen. No surprises yet.
She is failing me. She's just doing an OK job. At one point she moves the mic to far from her mouth and we loose her singing all together. At this point I need to mention that her outfit is horrible. The pants make her look absolutely dumpy and she didn't need help with that in the first place.
Randy said it started out good and lost a bit in the middle and overall was just ok.
Wow, Paula was not sold on it. She didn't feel engaged with the song.
Simon thought she looked good, which I'm surprised about. He thought she oversang the song and didn't think it was a good song choice. He warned that she might be in trouble after tonight.
I agree with him. She seems destined with the bottom 3 on Thursday.
David Archuleta who has to be considered one of the top 2 if not the favorite contestant. I think he is pretty good and would have him in my top 3 but he also freaks me out a little bit. Can't quite put my finger on why. He sings decently but I find his voice slightly raspy for my liking. He also seems like a very young little boy. He is singing "Angels" by Robbie Williams (I believe it's him). A song I like by Robbie.
David is seated at a piano and seems to have slowed down the song a bit. I'm not sure I like the pace of the song, but this kid is belting out the lyrics. He definitely can sing. He picked up the volumn int eh 2nd half of the song and he killed it. He nailed this song. I may be becoming a fan real fast. He might be #1 and pushing Syesha to a distant #2. The crowd loves him.
Randy loved it, hottest moment of the season.
Paula loved it.
Simon thought it was best song choice of the night. Didn't think it was his best vocal but thinks David sails though to next round.
Again, Simon and I agree. David is super easily safe.
Closing the show is Brooke White with "You've Got A Friend" by Carole King. Brooke is an interesting competitor and seems to be possibly turning a corner and becoming a threat. She has to know her limits.
She comes out dressed pretty good (for a change). The song starts typical of Carole King. She needed to pick it up at the refrain and she did not. I think it was a nice performance but as Simon says, it is not rememberable. Just not a very inspiring performance especially after David. She ends the performance in tears.
Randy just thought it was all right.
Paula said it was her favorite song growing up and called her definitive. This is a good time to remind people that Paula very rarely makes sense.
Simon compared it to a pleasant walk in the park. So he basically made my point.
She can probably count on being in the bottom three. She does not look ok after this performance. Very sad and maybe upset. She might know she did not do as well as she needed.
My thoughts on thursday's results?
Top 3:
David Archuleta
Michael Johns
Jason Castro (ugh)
Middle 2:
Syesha Mercado
Kristy Lee Cook
Bottom 3:
Carly Smithson
Brooke White
David Cook
Labels: American Idol
Leatherheads ... the movie.
So after seeing much of the media blitz that Clooney and Krasinski were doing for Leatherheads, I decided I had to see it. They had some very entertaining interviews and other tv commercials.

The movie plot itself is straight forward Clooney plays an older football player who is involved in the fledgling professional football. Teams are folding all around him including his own. He wants to save football and looks to the current college football stud. College football was filling stadiums around the country (as opposed to pro football which had very few fans). Krasinski's character (Carter) is not just an outstanding football but a true "aw shucks" gentleman and a war hero to boot (a veteran of the Great War). The remaining plot is the love story between Clooney and Zellweger and Zellweger's report role attempting to find out the true story behind Carter's war hero story. Is the war hero story true or is it a lie or exaggeration? I will leave that up to surprise.
I do like the flapper-era America that the movie is based in. Including a few scene's in speakeasy's and the appearance of some flappers. The writing of the movie involves some quick witted retorts and lines which are delivered well between the 3 stars (Clooney, Zellweger and Krasinski). However most of the movie was delivered in a way that reminds me of myself doing a 20's gangster impersonation. Clooney delivers on a character who is charming and a bit sneaky (but in a charming way of course). Not a stretch as he seems born for this type of role. Krasinski plays the aloof character very well. He strikes me as a bit too goofy (looking and acting) to play a big football hero who is now a heartthrob. It works, but I am not sure if he pulled it off as well as someone else may have been able to. Zellweger was adequate in her role. She must enjoy these 20's era movies (as she was in Chicago as well) and she does seem to play the role fairly well. She was a sassy seasoned reporter. She plays the role well and has chemistry with both Clooney and Krasinkski.

Overall this movie does not have enough jokes or slapstick moments for me. I had many laughs during the movie, but looking back I can not remember too many of the jokes. Thus I can not say this movie was memorable, but yet it was enjoyable.
Using a typical school grading scale I would have to put this movie as a C+. Passable and has a few laughs but probably not worth the $10 some odd dollars to see in a theater.

Some links:
The official Leatherheads movie site
Leatherheads movie site on
What’s Under Your Desk?

Green Plug’s “What’s Under Your Desk?” Photo Sweepstakes
We’re looking for examples of a problem that plagues each and every one of us. Yes, that unsightly tangle of wires, black bricks and wall warts that supply your computer, printer, phone, desk lamp…and who knows what else.
This sweepstakes is simple. Look under your desk and take a snap of what you find there. Send it to us at and we’ll post it. Be sure to write a suitable caption for your picture!
Essentially these guys are looking to simplify all those power bricks we get for printers, cell phones, ipods and the rest of our devices. Many of these bricks still draw power even after the device plugged into them is fully charged.
I have heard of some people trying to get the US to standardized a power in the home that is not 110 volts. A low power line would allow less power to these bricks which would mean they would waste less power. Most of these bricks take the 110 volts and downgrade it to much lower. Thus a lower power line (say, 30 volts) would create less waste by the power adapters.
Something to think about as the world continues to "go green" and find ways to conserve.
Rumer Willis on Miss Guided
So I was watching Miss Guided (a decent show. Not great yet) and noticed that Rumer Willis was on the show.

Now she is a good looking man ... oh wait, you mean she is a woman? That is news to me!
Seriously though. Ouch.

Now I know her parents (Bruce Willis and Demi Moore) are attractive to some people. Demi Moore just creeps me out and this poor girl actually looks like her father ... not a strong point for a girl.
I am sure she will be crying about my critique on her bags of money from her parents.
I'm Fucking Obama
The lesson as always ... you can bleep out conversations and have them all sound like horrible things were said.
Video made by Hugh Atkin & Jez Atkin:
Paris Hilton Sucks

Paris Hilton was on My Name is Earl tonight. I saw that it said she was "starring" on the show. I would hardly say that her repeating the same line ("That's hot") four times is starring.
The lesson, as always, is that Paris has no redeeming qualities and no talent. She is famous because she is a rich club hopper? Ugh, I am so pissed off about this. All these rich little kids. Gross.
National Beer Shortage Soon??
An extended worldwide shortage of hops has left smaller brewers unable to buy the important perennial flower that adds some of the bitterness and aroma to beer.
About six weeks ago Boston Beer sent out notifications to small brewers that it wanted to help them by making available some of its hops at cost. The company said it received 352 requests totaling about 100,000 pounds.
An April Fool's fake Wii Game
As any good geek should know by now Japan has some of the wackiest and most unusual products anywhere. So when we were visiting Tokyo recently and saw lines of Japanese schoolgirls waiting to play an amazing new game for the Wii called Super Pii Pii Brothers we were only a little surprised. After all with games like WarioWare and Raving Rabbids the Wii is no stranger to crazy gameplay mechanics... but it was quite unusual to see the "strap-on" style accessory and peeing action that Pii Pii Brothers provides. Normally ThinkGeek doesn't carry video games, but we were so blown-away by Super Pii Pii Brothers that we immediately got our trusted Japanese importer on the phone and arranged to bring over a limited quantity of this amazing Wii game along with some cross regional boot discs to allow play on USA Wii consoles.
Now a Demo: