Monday, April 07, 2008
What’s Under Your Desk?

Green Plug’s “What’s Under Your Desk?” Photo Sweepstakes
We’re looking for examples of a problem that plagues each and every one of us. Yes, that unsightly tangle of wires, black bricks and wall warts that supply your computer, printer, phone, desk lamp…and who knows what else.
This sweepstakes is simple. Look under your desk and take a snap of what you find there. Send it to us at and we’ll post it. Be sure to write a suitable caption for your picture!
Essentially these guys are looking to simplify all those power bricks we get for printers, cell phones, ipods and the rest of our devices. Many of these bricks still draw power even after the device plugged into them is fully charged.
I have heard of some people trying to get the US to standardized a power in the home that is not 110 volts. A low power line would allow less power to these bricks which would mean they would waste less power. Most of these bricks take the 110 volts and downgrade it to much lower. Thus a lower power line (say, 30 volts) would create less waste by the power adapters.
Something to think about as the world continues to "go green" and find ways to conserve.
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