Saturday, March 27, 2004
My first overnight ...
was successful. Although I forgot my sheets at my parents. The comforter was enough me and jack though.
Friday, March 26, 2004
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Well I got more pictures from Sunday
Once again, Jackson 'helped'

ok, this is more about how I got access upstairs.
There is an AC vent that I ran up alongside.

This is the ceiling

And this is the floor, I drilled a little extra hole, to help fit in the cables

next step is getting some tubing to hide these wires more.
I also still need to run 2 more sets of cables. 1 in my bedroom, which already had a coax outlet, so that should be easier. My study needs a brand new outlet, so I will have to figure that one out, not sure where it will fit.
Monday, March 22, 2004
cable for now, dsl later?
Well since my theory is that I would have to switch my phone service to verizon before I can get DSL, I figured I would try cable first. I will go via Earthlink and hope I get the 384 upload.
If it is crappy then I will switch my phone to verizon and use my dsl company which will give me at least 1.5/384. The up is uncapped though, I think I am too far for them to guarentee me 756k. Thats what happened at my old appartment. So we will see.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Got some wiring done today
Hey look! Patch panel!

Wow, where do I run MY cables?

This is where the hubs and patchpanels will be

Hey look, we can come right up the air condition vent in the floor. We used this one to get up to the 2nd floor to get to the 2 rooms there.

from that ac vent, under the floor, to the storage room. 1 outlet will go on the wall in the upper left. Another set of the wires came up the same way and went up over the crawl space above, down into storage space to find its way into the last room upstairs

Now All I need to wire is my study/office and my own bedroom. my bedroom already has coax strung to it, so it shoudl be easier. The study looks like it might be easy since we have acces form the cellar.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Home improvements
Well, my bedroom is finished. The paint at least. Beige and a maroonish color. It will look good with the bedspread. I will need to finish the shelves in the closet too.
The bathroom has had some cosmetic changes.
I moved a workbench in the cellar. We are looking for the rug there too. Its hard, we have a 11x13 area and a 9x22.
Also I am going to be putting in a wetbar in the basement. By wetbar I mean a little bar and a sink. We have to move a sink in the basement to install the washer and dryer of my sister's in my laundry room. So while I am doing some plumbing work I might move that sink so I can use in in the finished part of the basement.
I still have not decided on DSL or Cable.
Friday, March 19, 2004
My house vs the internet
Well, I thought I was close enough to a CO to get DSL. Yet everyone is telling me my line is not DSL ready.
This is a setback. I could go with cable. Comcast or Earthlink, but probably Earthlink since they have 384 kbps up versus Comacast's 256 kbps up. Does that little extra 128 help? maybe, I do like to serve things from my house. Of course, I have not taken into consideration the fact that if I use Comcast, that I may get a discount on my phone and television (which are also through them). They tend to give package discounts. Of course the price of the actual internet is not an issue since my company reimburses up to $50 a month.
What to do? What to do?
I am wondering if I am not DSL ready because I am using Comcast's phone service. Anyone out there know if this would cause me to be unable to recieve DSL? If thats the case, then Verizon might be getting a call from me.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Follow my bracket
My NCAA bracket is available at
I am 3 for 3 to start the tourney.
NCAA Tourney
Winner: Miss St. why not?
but more importantly, why does TV put the 1-16 seeds games on during prime time? Don't they know people don't want to watch a 30 point blow out?
here is the lineup for tonight:
7:10, Duke(1) vs Alabama St (16)
7:10, UConn (2) vs Vermont (15)
7:20, Texas(13) vs Princeton (14)
7:35, Michigan State (7) vs Nevada (10)
Now potentially the MSU/Nevada game should be pretty good. Other wise, based on seedings its all blow outs.
Except of course I think VT can play a fun game with Chester Copperpot against UConn. Thats just personal interest for me. Duke's game is a blow out. Texas/Princeton? Princeton might keep hitting enough 3's and backdoors to keep it interesting for a while, but them texas's athletes take over.
Now in the afternoon we are having good games. Manhattan (12) looks like they will hold on to beat florida (5). Charlotte (9) is keeping it clsoe with Texas Tech (8). UTEP (13) is trying to close a 7 point gap with Maryland (4).
why does TV want these exciting games on in ther afternoon when noone can watch? Is the alumni of Duke that important?
Friday, March 12, 2004
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
"I heard this today and I thought this was fascinating and interesting. President Bush has two daughters, two beautiful daughters, and they may work on their father's presidential campaign after they get out of college and I thought, well, that's a pretty good move because in this economy, they won't be able to find real jobs." -David Letterman
"The White House predicted 150,000 new jobs for the month that just passed. The statistics came back: 21,000. But, you know, the White House, always up for solutions through labeling. From now on, Americans who've lost their jobs will no longer be known as 'unemployed,' they are enjoying 'Operation Week-Day Freedom.'" —Bill Maher
"A Texas man, still drunk from four days of partying, broke into an airplane hangar and stole two planes, flying one into an power line, thus fulfilling his commitment to the Texas Air National Guard." —Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"
"After all the voting on Tuesday, President Bush called John Kerry to congratulate him. I'm not sure what they talked about, but I think we can rule out swapping war stories." —Jay Leno
"Do you realize that the Bush administration has now produced more gay marriages than jobs?" —Jay Leno
"Kerry is well on his way to reaching his magic number of 2,162. That's the total number of delegates he needs to win the Democratic nomination. See for President Bush it's different — his magic number is 5. That’s the number of Supreme Court judges needed to win." —Jay Leno
"John Kerry will be the Democratic nominee for president. Democrats finally found someone who is Al Gore without the flash and the sizzle." —Craig Kilborn
Thursday, March 04, 2004
No More Asterisk talk
People should know by now that I do not care for's Ralph Wiley at all. However today he released a piece That I thought was great.
People are using the steriod situation to attack Bonds because they do not like him. Read the piece, it will help you see things in the correct light.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
An espn poll
indicates that people would like to strike Bond's off the record book, if he is proven to have used steriods. This is stupid. Honestly, whoever brought up that we can't test babe, and others for steriods, why shoudl we care, was right. We can't prove that these other records were legit.
Its becoming ridiculous. I hate people. Why do they think steriods is such a big deal. And why do they care if the people like giambi and bonds DO use steriods? They would be hitting 40-50 homers a year anyways. Its the middle infielders hitting 50+ homers that bothers me. Bret Boone hitting 50+ homers is a joke.