Obvious Joke: Mohr-Cox

I'm sure sometimes there are legit reasons for keeping your maiden name. The only acceptable reasons are if you have a legit business reason for using it. Actresses are allowed to keep it (especially since the odds are their marriages will fail. At least the first ones) as are high powered business men who depend on a reputation. These are such women as lawyers (especially if their name is the name of the firm) and CEO types. Teachers and secretaries and nurses need not worry about such name problems ... CHANGE it.
Of course it goes with out saying that men are never allowed to change their names unless the qualify under 1 of 2 rules:
1) Your parents saddled you with such an atrocity for a birth name (e.g. Audio Science, Kal-El, Brooklyn or Pilot Inspektor) or the above mentioned hyphened last name.
2) You want to change it to an awesome name (i.e Max Power).
Anyways here is the article about Jay Mohr having his balls removed.
In mildly emasculating yet quite hysterical court papers, Jay Mohr is asking to have his wife's last name legally added to his own. Jay Mohr will now forever be known as Jon Ferguson Cox Mohr.
Usually people add the new name to the end, but then he would have been Mohr Cox -- and, well ... that would just be wrong.
Labels: Celebrities, Humor
Click Starring Adam Sandler

The thing that struck me with this movie is the fact that the plot is very much like "A Christmas Carol". Only in the movie the three ghosts (of christmas past, future and current) is portrayed in the one role of Morty (played by Christopher Walken) who originally gives the remote to Sandler's character. It was an amusing movie but the plot was very similar to "A Christmas Carol" so that haunted the movie for me. That and it wasn't quite funny enough for me to recommend anyone rush to see it.
Labels: Movies

For the second season in a row NFL fans were treated to a historic season. Last season the Patriots won 16 regular season games to end the season perfected. This year it was the Detriot Lions who submitted a perfect season. A perfect losing season that is. The Lions finished the season winless and tieless. A perfect 0-16 season. Truly a record of futility that will be tough to match. Only the 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers had finished a season without a win. That season was only 14 games long which means the Lions were able to lose an additional 2 games with the NFL's current 16 game season.

Labels: Sports
11-5 not enough

When is an eleven win season a failure? When it fails to qualify you for the playoffs. I am not about to complain about the weak western division winners making the playoffs. I consider the system fair and balanced and usually takes the best teams. It is a system designed to protect a strong division from beating up on itself and not producing even 1 playoff team. However the reverse can also happen and let let lesser teams sneak in. It is a system that has been in use for years and is more often than not fair.

I'm proud of what this team has done in the face of injuries. I'm not proud that they had a few mental lapses cost them the playoffs (receivers dropping the ball, defenses not closing out opponents drives on third down). I'm surprised at the improvement in Miami, but expect them to take a step backwards next year before becoming serious contenders in 2 years. I am also not surprised by the failure of Favre and the Jets. I am happy to see 2 teams (Miami and Baltimore) seize their opportunities and not let the Patriots sneak in. I thought for sure Baltimore would fold under the pressure. Maybe they are contenders after all.
All in all this season is a failure. We have set the bar high in New England. Championships are all that matter. Not winning the title is a failure, but there are many positive signs to be taken from this season. Lots of individual spotlights and accolades. The play of Mayo is a bright spot for this defense going forward. Matt Cassel did well for him self but probably will be doing it for another team next year. Gostkowski has proven himself as a worthy successor to Vinatieri (if he had not already).
Labels: Sports
Top Chef - Season 5 - "12 Days of Christmas"
A holiday themed episode. The quick fire challenge is to create a delicious holiday meal with only 1 pot. Who is the guest judge?

None other than Martha Stewart! Martha gives the tip, said by Einstein, make it simple but not too simple.
Off they go with 45 minutes to create a 1 pot holiday meal. Jeff's potatoe risotto, Eugene's Korean stew and Fabio's polenta were not favorites of Martha's. The favorites were Hosea's paella, Jamie's scallop with kale and Ariane's beef and cauliflower puree. Martha gives the win to Ariane. Ariane just keeps winning and Jamie just keeps finishing second. I really think Jamie has a better chance to win the whole thing than Ariane. Hosea is also up there but I think Jamie might be the favorite with Stefan up there as well. Jeff confuses me but he might be good.
The Chef's get assigned a theme based on the song "12 days of christmas". Their dish should be inspired by their verse or number of the song. Interesting. Not quite sure how to work 12 drummers drumming. Go with drum sticks?? Nine ladies dancing?? lady fingers? Not a clue!

At this point I would like to mention that I am confused about Melissa. She is never been really focused on. Does this mean she will be going home soon? Or does she last long so they know they have time to later introduce her? Is this the episode we learn more about her? I've seen here a bunch this episode. Something to keep an eye on.
Radhika, Stefan, Hosea and Jeff were the top dishes. Hosea got the most ribbons and he wins. Not bad for a guy who woke up this morning to find out his pork was not fit to be served. It was nice to see everyone pitch in and help him and Radhika.
As far as the bottom, well, that was Eugene, Melissa and Jamie. A shock to see Jamie in here as she is very promising. Seeing Melissa in there would explain why she got so much airtime this episode.

Labels: Television, Top Chef
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Great show on FX on thursday nights at 10. I think the season is over now, but you have to check out this show. Especially any episodes revolving around Nightman.
Labels: Humor, Television
Red Sox unveil new uniforms.
The Red Sox unveiled a new logo, new road uniforms, new secondary road jersey, and a new hat that goes with the secondary road jersey.
The red sox new primary road jersey harkens back to the road jerseys they wore in the 80s. I believe the uniform in 1986 was similar but had more of a block lettering whereas this uniform has the styled font much like the current uniforms.
These aren't ugly but the lack of red is disturbing. I believe we are the RED Sox not the blue Sox. This uniform is just kind of dreary and doesn't really pop. Not sure how they expect this to increase jersey sales because it is not the kind of shirt people would rush out to buy.
Now I actually do like this jersey more. The Boston is nice and crisp red with the white outlining on the navy shirt. The shirt does have a slight batting practice feel to it. I wonder what pants they will wear with it. Probably their grey road pants. That might make it look even more batting practice like. It's not bad.
This is actually a uniform I would consider buying. If I actually bought uniforms. I wouldn't be surprised if this alternate jersey becomes more popular than the new primary road jerseys.
I have plenty to say about the hat however. I absolutely hate this one. It's not that I don't like the logo. I do like the logo. The problem lies with the outlining of the hat. If you are putting the logo on the navy hat why would you outline the logo in navy as well? Wouldn't you want to use white (or even red) in order to make it pop?
I will not be wearing this hat anytime soon. I just think the navy outlining makes it look amateurish. I wish they would give it a shot with a white outlining. Or maybe they could have put the new logo on a red hat (with the navy brim like in the 70s). That might help the logo as well. That might even be a hat I would buy.
Now these home alternate jerseys look to be very similar to the alternate home jersey they already use. The big selling point on this jersey is that it actually is red.
I liked the red jerseys before and I still like them. Not sure I would want to see them all the time but as an alternate I like it.
Overall I am underwhelmed by the changes. I don't have a good picture of the tweaked logo yet but it looks like it is just the "hanging sox" logo you see on the hat. That logo is nothing really new as it has been used by the team in the past.
Labels: Sports
Red Sox unveil new uniforms and logo
The Red Sox will unveil their new road jersey, alternate jersey, alternate cap (which you’ve already seen), and primary logo.

More on this after the press conference.
Labels: Sports
Top Chef - Season 5 - "Gail's Bridal Shower"
In the quickfire the contestants are paired off. They are then given a sauce to identify the ingredients. This one is always fun and is done in a name that tune style. That means you say how many ingredients you can name and the person has the chance to one-up you or call your bluff.
So it is mostly only 3 or 4 ingredients. I can't believe the challenge is going so low.

I like these palette tests but I prefer when they have to identify the individual components. That seems like more fun.

Tom is not invited into the party so he is waiting in the kitchen. The judges deliberate. The "old" course and the "borrowed" course are asked to see the judges. They are the favorites. Hosea was on the "old" course and he had immunity anyways. That is good to see. Also on his team is Stefan (the ass) and Jeff. Jeff's sorbet was a stand out. On the "borrowed" team Jamie's carrot puree was the standout but Ariane's lamb was a success. The funny thing was they were unsure about its doneness while in the kitchen. Radhika was the third member of the team.

As they are about to announce the winner, Jamie whispers "I want this one". Something to keep an eye on. Not that I think she will become bitter, she jsut might get frustrated. Always the bridesmaid as Jamie says.
Now the losers! Team "new" with their disassembled sushi. Carla and Eugene were not happy with the plates they put out. Danny added mushrooms to Carla's salad without her knowing. Team "blue" with Leah, Melissa and Fabio created the "old people food". The food was passable but the dish was nothing special. The deadly phrase "playing it safe" was uttered.
Team "Blue" was quickly dismissed. They were really only there because 2 teams had to be on the bottom. They weren't great but as I said, it was passable.

So that is it. Danny is asked to pack up his knives and leave.
Labels: Television, Top Chef
Plinko at work?
I go to get a drink this morning and what do I find in the lunch room?

A big plinko board from one of our sister companies. Sure it isn't the real thing

But what is?
Labels: Humor
"How I Met Your Mother" The Fight

In tonight's episode of "How I Met Your Mother" The Fight Ted describes his bartender. The bartender's name? Doug Martin! That's my name!!
Top Chef - Season 5 - "Today Show"
Tonight's quickfire was to create a breakfast amuse bouche. Amuse bouche being a one bite serving. Leah won it but Jamie was another close second. This was Leah's 2nd quick fire win in a row. We should be considering her and Jamie as serious contenders to win.
The elimination challenge will be to prepare a 2 minute demo to perform on live TV. Lots of people didn't finish in the 2 minutes. Jamie and Leah are disappointments. Alex's choice of creme brule was also poor.
Melissa, Alex and Jamie were the bottom three. Fabio, Jeff and Ariane were the top three. Jamie should be safe since she just mistimed her egg but has proven herself in the past. Melissa has been bland so far. You almost forget she is even in the show!
In the darkness of morning Tom surprises the top three with news that they will be doing their 2 minute segments on the Today Show where the host will pick the winner.

Kathy Lee actually spits out Jeff's food but the others appear to have enjoyed it. The winner is named and it is Ariane. Good for her. This might jump start her confidence and turn her into a contender. That is the hope for the mom from New Jersey.

And it was Alex who was sent home. Once again desert bites someone in the butt. When will they learn? Alex, for picking to do a desert in this challenge ... please pack your knives and leave.
Labels: Television, Top Chef
Rickrolling at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Nice, very nicely done. Internet meme holding on strong!
Labels: Humor
Really ARod?
It was really easier when we called you gay. Now you leave a pretty blonde wife for this ... this thing?

Really? What the heck is going on with this woman. Is it all just age? Is it the kabbalah? Was it touching Britney? Madonna you are a very creepy looking person who is likely to give children nightmares. Please go away so the children will stop crying!
Thank you.
Labels: Celebrities, Sports