Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Top Chef - Season 5 - "12 Days of Christmas"
A holiday themed episode. The quick fire challenge is to create a delicious holiday meal with only 1 pot. Who is the guest judge?

None other than Martha Stewart! Martha gives the tip, said by Einstein, make it simple but not too simple.
Off they go with 45 minutes to create a 1 pot holiday meal. Jeff's potatoe risotto, Eugene's Korean stew and Fabio's polenta were not favorites of Martha's. The favorites were Hosea's paella, Jamie's scallop with kale and Ariane's beef and cauliflower puree. Martha gives the win to Ariane. Ariane just keeps winning and Jamie just keeps finishing second. I really think Jamie has a better chance to win the whole thing than Ariane. Hosea is also up there but I think Jamie might be the favorite with Stefan up there as well. Jeff confuses me but he might be good.
The Chef's get assigned a theme based on the song "12 days of christmas". Their dish should be inspired by their verse or number of the song. Interesting. Not quite sure how to work 12 drummers drumming. Go with drum sticks?? Nine ladies dancing?? lady fingers? Not a clue!

At this point I would like to mention that I am confused about Melissa. She is never been really focused on. Does this mean she will be going home soon? Or does she last long so they know they have time to later introduce her? Is this the episode we learn more about her? I've seen here a bunch this episode. Something to keep an eye on.
Radhika, Stefan, Hosea and Jeff were the top dishes. Hosea got the most ribbons and he wins. Not bad for a guy who woke up this morning to find out his pork was not fit to be served. It was nice to see everyone pitch in and help him and Radhika.
As far as the bottom, well, that was Eugene, Melissa and Jamie. A shock to see Jamie in here as she is very promising. Seeing Melissa in there would explain why she got so much airtime this episode.

Labels: Television, Top Chef
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