I wish I could buy stock in ... terrorism
Apparently someone thought that betting on forecasting terrorist attacks, assassinations and coups would be a good idea. The theory being that when the market got too tilted (presumably from insider information) then the US would know there was an attack being prepared. I totally think this is a good idea. Yes. Lets let Osama invest money in his next attack, execute a successful attack and then cash out at a profit. This is such a good idea. While we are at it can hospitals open up markets for their patients? Maybe someone getting an appendectomy has odds of 100-1 against death, but brain surgery is even money. These are great ideas, because an attempt at profiting from someone's misfortune is a great idea. I feel so secure knowing these people are in charge.
The best part is they were counting on people who would try to cheat the market (with insider info) to determine when and event was going to happen. Its great to faith in humanity sometimes, really it is. I wonder what Martha would say about this?
Georgie speaks ... nonsense
from http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/story?id=1586456
NEW YORK -- The Boss has a message for Boston: Don't celebrate just yet.
New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner was bothered enough after his team lost two straight games against the Red Sox to issue a statement Monday about the series.
"We didn't play well in Boston, but I'm not getting down on anyone," Steinbrenner said. "It's a long season and a long way to go. They haven't won anything yet."
Now Georgie, don't sell Boston's fans short. You think we are satisfied with winning 2 of 3 games from you guys? Our goal is not to beat you in regular season games. Our goal is to make it to the playoffs (hopefully at your expense). The only thing we have won so far, is enough games to get us within 1.5 games of your team. I know this is an attempt by you to save face after the bullpen implosions you had this weekend. Georgie, please don't play Boston for fools. We know what the objective is, the way to get you and all of New York to shut up. We know we have to keep winning. We know we must pass you for the division, or stay close enough to win the wild card. This is not news to us. Let me assure you no one was rioting Sunday night, or setting fires in the streets of Boston. We won 2 games in a very important series. This series was not to decide who wins, but it sure did help. You had a chance to kill our spirits by coming in here and winning. You did not though and now our Spirits are high. Believe me Georgie, when we have won something, you and everyone else will know it.
Labels: Sports
Fry Kobe
This poor girl's reputation will be dragged through the mud by the media looking for any angle to keep this story alive. I can tell you what happened. This girl went up to Kobe's room, because he is famous. When she got up there Kobe started demanding freaky stuff. I am thinking Cleveland steamer was one thing. Perhaps he had a strap-on waiting for here to use on him. She then refused and Kobe then forced himself upon her. When finished he cast the woman out of the room as he fell asleep, not the least but ashamed of what he did. The girl feeling quite dirty of what Kobe had forced her to do, than ran scared. After confiding what happened to a friend she was convinced by the same friend to report this crime.
Now she must suffer for trying to right a wrong. Maybe the media should but out and let the courts do their jobs, and find Kobe guilty.
Kobe on Trial
Oh my. Kobe was formally charged today with a class 3 felony sexual assault, which apparently carries with it a life sentence. This is no longer a matter that I feel I can joke around about. It was all fun and games for a while, but joking about a man's life isn't that funny. Life in prison would not be kind to Kobe, not as pretty as he is. He would ensure that the prison team won the basketball league every year but that is not the point. I am quite shocked by the severity of the charges. Now I believe it is most likely a overzealous charge and would be lowered, but how do you go lower form life in prison? 20 years? might as well be Kobe's life, and time spent in prison and he can kiss off ALL future endorsement deals and I am pretty sure a conviction would cancel out most if not all of his current deals for failing to live up to the image he sold. This might be the case with just the charges. We will see on that. Mean while for more about this you can look here:
and here:
Serena Williams
Hey lets start with some pictures(from espn) ...

Isn't it time we check these girls for man parts? I mean please. Anyone who thinks these 'girls' are hot needs to reevaluate things. They honestly look like men in drag. You can start off with their man like heads. These girls are jacked and that is not helping their cause. Look at Serena's breasts in these photos. Those aren't breasts those are muscle. And that is just not right.
So please, when you hear someone say they think these girls are hot, set them straight.
How To Fix Baseball
I have been trying to figure out a way to fix baseball. A sticky wicket if ever there has been one. My first issue is with the DH. I don't hate the DH like many people. I think it is a great idea, when used in a good way. The good way to use it is to rotate players in and out of it. The sox do this when they give Manny a day to DH so he doesn't have to play defense. The next day you might have Nomar DHing so he doesn't have to play SS for the day. Allowing a guy the day to just hit allows him to get essentially a day off, but you don't lose his bat. I am not as big a fan of using one person solely as the DH, such as they do in Seattle with Edgar Martinez. It has worked for some teams and some players to be full time DHs. I just think that having a full time DH is not worth it for the most part. There have been some people that just can't play in the field anymore but are still dangerous hitters( Dave Winfield with he blue jays, Harold Baines for a while, soon Barry Bonds with some team). Only some hitters are truly worth being full time DHs. Of course on the flip side, I love watching pitchers hit. It is a perverse obsession I have. I don't care if the bunt, or hit a homer. I just think its part of baseball fro the pitchers to hit. So I have decided upon a compromise that the MLBPA would endorse. Add a DH to the National League and let the pitchers hit in the American League. What is so bad about a 10 hitter lineup? This is truly the best of both worlds. Pitcher hit and so are responsible for when they throw at other batters, yet you still have the DH. The union should ok this because it would add about 15 extra spots for veterans to play. Guys with good bats but shaky gloves could now stay in the NL and DH. I still have not found a good argument against this plan.
My other idea for baseball does have flaws that I am still trying to work out. I think it would be in baseball's best interest to allow more teams to compete in the post season. I think that baseball should do some realignment first off. They really need to even out the divisions and get equal numbers in all 6 divisions. Actually I think they need to divide back into 4 divisions, as this would make my plan easier to add 4 teams to the play offs. We go back to a balanced schedule for all teams in the same league. Then we figure out how inter-league play is going to work. We either drop it or fix it so everyone plays the same number of games in the cross league. There will now be 4 division winners (2 in each league) and 8 wild card (4 in each league). The real question is do we allow the 4 wild cards to be the next 4 teams with the best records or the 2 next best records in each division for more interesting play? Now this would actually make for an opening round series of wild card series. To make these series shorter and wilder (and to give the division champs less time off) a 3 game series could be used, but more likely (for TV) a 5 game series. Then the winners go on to play the division champs (who of course have home field advantage due to being champs). This setup would make more teams in pennant races, and that seems to be what baseball is all about. I think this may work. Combine that with the above DH/P batting rule and we might have some good baseball left in this country
Have I mentioned a salary cap too? That might be a little harder to get the union to sign off on. More on that later ....
Labels: Sports
Its been a slow day so I found an article on plagiarism that seemed kind of fun
We were all students once. We all wrote papers. We did the research. We all plagiarized a bit here and there. I know the biggest problem fro me when writing is that my memory will queue up a nice phrase to use for my paper/article and I will think it is a great phrase. Only after rereading my source will I realize why it was so perfect for what I was reporting on. It was perfect because it came from the source. So I would have to go back and change my 'perfect' sentence. While writing these little blog entries I often find myself having to paraphrase what I read. Of course I get around this by throwing in a link at the end so that people can check out the original for them selves. This, hopefully, absolves me from any guilt of plagiarism. It might not, I do not know. I am not hesitant to through quotes around something if I feel I want to quote it. I often do grab a sentence or two from an article rearrange it and modify it to fit into one sentence to suit my needs, but I don't feel it is misuse.
I think most people do not know definitively what is plagiarism. The internet is not helping either. Emails get passed around and sometimes interesting bits of speeches are passed around in e-mails. People will take these and use them but not know from whence they came so they do not properly attribute them to anyone. This of course becomes a problem when someone uses them in an article or speech and they get called out. Maybe the borrowed phrase came form a famous book or speech that the borrower did not know about. The troubles with these e-mails is boundless. Remember that next time you quote one of the 'inspirational' e-mails you have received.
For the most part however I feel we are wasting our time looking for plagiarism. There are few times when it is really important. Anything in a commercial environment is important. Newspaper reporters should not be selling ideas as their own when they are not. Nor should authors of any kind. High school students doing a science report and they fail to properly quote a sentence or two should not be met with expulsion, suspension or even a failure. This is of course assuming that the source was credited somewhere (bibliography?). We should worry more about teaching these children that its easier to get away with in lower education, but if you plagiarize in the real world or even in upper education (thesis, or doctorate) you will get caught and you will be punished. The punishment will be more severe as well, perhaps ruing your career and/or life. Its not that had to credit a source for their hard work and original thoughts.
Just remember that someone out there has enough time on their hands to check your work. Throw credit around and you won't seem unoriginal, you will seem educated and knowledgeable about others work.
The Prodigal Son Returns
Larry Legend is heading back to Indiana to become President of the Pacers. Larry Joe Bird will be taking over the day to day operations of the Pacers. Does this move make the Pacers the best of east? Nope. Unless he gets in there and resigns O'Neal and fires Isaiah. I still can't believe they keep Isaiah even though he is a terrible, terrible coach who choked big time last post season against the Celtics.
The only unfortunate part of this news is that it means there is no chance of Larry coming back to Boston any time soon.
Kidd wants Byron out
According to some reports, Jason Kidd has asked the nets to fire coach Byron Scott or the can say good bye to the free agent. This comes after Jason allegedly said that his son TJ (with the gigantic head) could have coached better than Scott after New Jersey's loss to the Spurs in the NBA finals. By now everyone should know that Jason Kidd means a lot more to the nets than Byron Scott does. Scott made several interesting coaching decisions in his tenure and some say now that assistant Eddie Jordan has left his side, Scott will be even more clueless in his coaching. Of course, the real decision in this matter is most likely Kidd's wife, Joumana. Joumana is a camera whore and is always at the end of Kidd's bench with his son, looking to get on camera. Would she want to leave the bright lights of New Jersey (New York) for the dim lights in San Antonio? Doubtful. Joumana wants a television career and has had some shots on TV while in NJ. Most likely her dream would be for Jason to play for the Lakers (or even clippers) in Los Angeles. That won't happen though. So one must figure she is rooting to stay home in NJ. As part of the resigning effort the nets have allegedly offered to get Joumana TV jobs if Jason stays in NJ.
Now this should not ignore the fact the Scott is a lousy coach. Indiana's Jermaine O'Neal should be asking the Pacers to fire Isaiah Thomas as well, but he has not asked for this as it appears he likes Thomas despite the fact that Thomas is one of, if not the, worst coach in the league. That is the coach who helped get Indiana eliminated by Boston in the playoffs despite being the far superior team. If I was the nets I would take this opportunity to fire Scott (which needs to be done) and hire a good assistant that is in the league for cheap. You already have a 'coach' in Kidd and it is his team anyways. You might as well avoid the power struggle with Scott as he attempts to prove he can win with our Jordan by his side. So Rod Thorn if you truly want to win and resign Kidd, fire Scott and get Joumana her own talk show.
Simon Beats Sausage
I could not wait to come type this one up. Randall Simon of the Pittsburgh Pirates was arrested after last nights game in Milwaukee. During Milwaukee's typical Sausage race during the game, Simon swung a bat at one of the racers causing the sausage to tumble to the ground and taking another sausage down for a ride. Some times you really have to wonder what goes through a man's head right before he beats the sausage. I think the replay clearly shows that the runner was stumbling when Simon struck and might have fallen on her own. However even Simon making jest of striking the sausage with the bat is not good. For it to turn out to be a woman is even worse for his cause as you know women's groups will be lining up to protest this.
Did I mention I found this story to be extremely funny? Possibly the funniest thing to happen all year?
Georgie Porgie
from espn .com: http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2003/0709/1578476.html
Boston Red Sox ace Pedro Martinez, upset at comments made Monday by New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, lashed back at him yesterday before the Red Sox played in Toronto.
"Georgie Porgie, he might buy the whole league, but he doesn't have enough money to buy fear to put in my heart," Martinez said, according to the Hartford Courant.
Steinbrenner was upset Monday after Martinez hit both Alfonzo Soriano and Derek Jeter with pitches, knocking both Yankee middle infielders out of the game. He suggested after the game that Major League Baseball should investigate Martinez.
Red Sox manager Grady Little was not sympathetic to Steinbrenner's claims.
"He's seen Roger Clemens pitch a lot for his team. What's he seeing there? Doggone it, it's just the game," Little said to the Courant. "That's how you play the game. All of our hitters know the way Roger Clemens pitches. There's not a whole lot of conversation about that. And all their hitters know that Pedro has got a plan that he tries to execute also."
For the second straight day Martinez insisted he wasn't trying to hit either Yankee. Both players sustained bruised hand bones -- Soriano after fouling an inside pitch off his left hand.
"Soriano is my kid from the Dominican, there is no way I want to hurt him," Martinez said to the New York Post. "Jeter's another nice guy, there is no reason to hurt him. He's had plenty of at-bats against me. I've never hit him, not that I remember. If I wanted to hit them, I could hit them with one pitch. I know how to do that."
Asked if Steinbrenner was trying to stir up the Yankees-Red Sox feud, Martinez said to the Post, "He doesn't need to, it's already enough of a good rivalry."
Jeter, when told that Martinez claimed he wasn't trying to hit either Yankee, said to the Post, "Of course. I don't think there has ever been anybody who said they tried to hit somebody."
The Post reported that Martinez and Kevin Millar, who was hit by Roger Clemens Saturday, were still sore at Clemens, who vowed to make adjustments against David Ortiz the next time he faces the left-handed hitter who homered off him Saturday.
"I have no idea. It's obvious he was the one getting lit up -- I wasn't," Martinez said to the Post. "And what he said about Ortiz was more obvious than trying to put thoughts on what I did [Monday]."
Labels: Sports
pedro hits ...
You can here the comments from the bronx now "Pedro is a head hunter", "If you can't beat them, beat them", "cheap shots", "trying to take out our best players". What pedro martinez did on monday against the yankees was not as bad as some may have you believe. He hit both Soriano and Jeter in the hands. Look at where Soriano stands. The kid is on top of the plate with his hands out over the plate. He is a league leader in HBPs. You expect him to get plunked here and there. It was the redosx so that adds fuel to the fire. Make it Pedro and there is more fuel. Jeter, well, I am sure he stands to close too. no matter how you slice it, Pedro hit them, and hit them in one of the worst spots to be hit, the hands. I was watching the film of these beanings and I noticed one HUGE thing. They both didn't try to get out of the way. It seems like they were expecting the ball to break over the plate, and only at the last minute did they recoil. They also turned the wrong way. You are supposed to turn your back into the ball to take it on the shoulder. These two opened up and exposed their hands. So I think they are partially to blame. Will the yankees retaliate? I doubt it. They will tyr to take the 'high road' and just make dirty comments to the media. Oh wait. They have clemons. He loves to take cheap shots. So i bet he throws at trot in his next start against the sox.
Labels: Sports
Sex And Kobe
Due to popular demand I will start reading and reporting on this terribly stupid occurrence.
By now I am sure we have all learned about the great Kobe Bryant's escapades in Colorado. Now I should start off by saying I think Kobe is a joke. In life and in basketball. They guy rides Shaq's coat tails. The biggest laugh I have had from this is from people mentioning things about his 'street cred' (he has none which is why he can't sell shoes goes the theory). Some have even suggested that this is all a ploy to gain this 'street cred'. That is obviously untrue. If he was trying to gain street cred he would either wave a gun around or actually be involved in a shooting.
But alas, he is from one of the richest parts of Philly (when he wasn't living in Europe with his dad). He will never have street cred. He will never be able to thug it up like the Iverson's. He is another Grant Hill (son of two very successful rich parents). This is actually a good thing. Believe it or not. Being NOT a thug is a good thing and you think people would strive to achieve that status. Not today. All people want to do is be a thug. That is why you see upper-middle class white kids with their big old pants, and doo-rags (is that the right spelling? Did Webster's add this word yet?) on their heads.
With my rant about thug life out of the way (I do know a thing or two about it, being from the mean streets of Norwell, MA - Cole school district), I can begin on the actual accusations. Ok, here is what happened that day in Colorado. A young women (19) is just sitting around minding her own business. A famous( yet over rated) basketball player arrives on the scene. Thinking he is god's gift to women (like all athletes) the athlete approaches this woman. This is where the scenario can branch.
Either way when either one of these options is finished the woman realizes that this man makes millions and she should get her some of that money. See that is how it boils down. Whether the athlete actually did right or wrong, the woman felt she could make a quick buck (I smell settlement) by accusing this player of sexual misconduct. Sexual Misconduct. What a scapegoat offense to be charged with. Give me Sexual Harassment or Rape of Sexual Misconduct. Sexual Misconduct sounds like dirty bedroom talk. Its like a Cleveland steamer or something, its just unacceptable bedroom behavior. It doesn't sound like a crime, just a penalty that the woman will go back and tell her girlfriends about.
Do I think Kobe did something inappropriate? I sure do. I think he is too full of himself not to have. I just think he chose the wrong young woman. She seems to have a head on her shoulders. I'd like to see an out of court settlement by Kobe for undisclosed amounts. That proves his guilt to me, which is why he might try to fight this accusation fully.
thanks again espn.com for inspiration
I will give you my big four most overated athletes in the games.
Hi, my name is Scottie Pippen. I was chosen to play with micheal jordan. Why do people think i am any better than BJ armstrong? This is a guy who played with the best player in the league(ever? I doubt it, but think what you want). I personally do not like jordan and think he ruined the nba. Still his team was good enough to win some championships. I'll even grant the first 3 no questions asked, but i believe they got some help form the nba(the refs) in some of those games and definatly in the last few runs. Of course This is about Scottie. The ultimate coattail rider. He is one of the 50 greatest yet he couldn't make more noise with houston with Hakeen and barkley? Come on Scottie, you aren't that good.
I just can't see anything about this guys game that is that spectular unless it is playign along side Jordan. He's not helping Portland either is he?
Its the teen ager that was lucky to play with Shaq. Annointed by the nba as the heir to Jordan will help you alot. It will get you calls in the league. Calls that just aren't good. Woe is the nba official, the biased official. This kid is playing pippen to Shaq's Jordan. Shaq is the greatest player in the game right now(when he wants to be) and kobe is enjoying it. I would love for kobe to leave the lakers in a year and find out life with out shaq leads to nice regular season numbers but poor team success.
Let's start with Mr. Jeter. He isn't a BAD player, don't get me wrong. He just isnt as great as the media portrays him to be. After A-Rod got his money and jeter was getting ready for his new contract, the only buzz around him was about his rings.
The media said "I wonder how much money a 3 time champion is worth". I say not much. Baseball is a team game. Jeter didn't carry those teams to the world series. He was along for the ride.
There are many stats that support the fact that jeter isn't a great short stop(compared with a-rod, nomar, tejada etc). Sure I bet some teams would line up to get his services(Brewers, Pirates, astros, etc). However the question you need to ask is
Would the yankees have won with other shortstops playing for him. My short answer is yes. Lets list off some Short Stops who are better than him(or equal) in the league right now.
I could go on but i am boring myself. Look at jeters stats the past few years. Not that many home runs, batting average is good(hes a solid 300 hitter). I find the most telling stats is his Runs Scored. That is where he sparkles. And you know what? He isnt stealing home. He has been helped out by a VERy productive lineup behind him. If anyone played ss for the yankees these past years and hit 300 like him, they wouldve scored as many runs.
The worst thing he has ever done though? Mariah Carey ... Ouch never can live that one down.
'Zen Master' Phil Jackson
Does this guy even coach? I coudl come up with a game plan for his 9 championship teams. first 6: Give the ball to Jordan, next 3: Give the ball to shaq. Maybe he is better than I realize but mostly i think it is the talent he lucked into(chicago) or chose (L.A.). He never does anythign on the sidelines and is busy trying to sell whatever Zen garbage he can think of. He isn't a coach coach. he is a mediator. maybe thats all the nba needs anymore, mediators(read: babysitters). Gone are the glory days of Red, Chuck Daly, and other coaches who drew up game plans and actually coached players on what to do with the other team and found players to fit into their systems. Its a whole new (sad) ballgame folks.
Sure there are others that are overrated. Perhaps even some athletes from boston (can't be antoine everyone now knows hes terrible). But since I wrote this i got to choose my biggest 4 overrated athletic performers. I think there are good arguements for these 4 although I know there are people that will defend them. Good. Debate is fun. Esepcially when I am right.
What is wrong with this?
Well I had a nice little article in my head to do today, but on the ride to work Howard Stern mentioned this news.
Of course this article is almost amusing enough to stand alone. However what would be the fun in that. I know some people will be too lazy to read the whole article so let me sum it up. I will use bold for you too :) He Loves The Ladies TOO Much Seriously though, Maricopa County Community College District Chancellor Fred Gaskin got fired because of seeming sexual misconduct, which mostly appears to be looking at women's breasts. Wow what a crime. Actually this sounded alot worse when Howard was discussing the news. He made it seem like this guy just did it a few times, here and there. Apparently all of this came up at a performance review in may. Last year at the review he scored 4.3 out of a possible 5, with one board member noting, "I like your style." Even though complaints about sexual misconduct were raised. This year he dropped down to a 2.59
Now It gets fun.
So the real question is raised. How much staring at a women's boobs is ok? I think eye contact is just evil anyways. Why should we look you in the eye? We are lying anyways, can't it just be assumed that we are? If you dont want us looking at your boobs then get rid of them. I don't mind chicks looking at my breasts. In a perfect would we would all be naked anyways, right? Ok in a perfect would all the ladies would be HOT and naked, but thats beside the point. The key to this article is the man never touched or said anything about these ladies. He stared and that was it. What is so wrong with that? If a look makes you feel uncomfortable, maybe you have something to hide. Noone dares say that.
You know why there aren't more woman sexually harasses man battles? Men just don't care. You can't harass the man. Its not harassing if they enjoy it. Guess what? Men would love for women to stare at them longingly as they spoke. As mentioned before, they wont look you in they eye so why should you try to do it? Maybe some women should make it their goal to try and harass men. Why not? See how much they can get away with. I will tell you this, it would be more than just staring before men would do anything.
A longwinded arguement concludes this way. If you got it, flaunt it. Oh ya, Fire this guy, he creeps me out.
The worst car??
As a former proud owner of a 1988 plymouth reliant, this list strikes close to home for me. http://cartalk.cars.com/About/Worst-Cars/results1.html
Funny thing is, I almost appreciate my k-car more after reading this list. Sure it couldn't accelerate at a decent speed, meaning I would almost get passed by 18 wheelers on higway onramps, but of course we all know about my k-car's top end. She sure coudl move. 97 mph according to the New York State Troopers. In fairness though, I believe I was caught going down hill. I still remeber that day.
First trip back home after leaving for college. I was on Interstate 88 heading east , about 30 minutes form oneonta. The trip was already becoming boring. I decided it might be fun to see how fast I can get the k-car going along this boring desolate stretch of highway. I slowly (and i mean slowly) pushed the k-car abouve 75 then the needle slipped past the 85 mph mark on my spedometer which was also the last markings of the spedometer, it is at this point i lose accuracy on measuring my speed. I still think I got a hand signal form a car I was passing. I believe that the man behind the wheel was telling me to slow down as if to signal a speed trap. Nonetheless here I go speeding along. I come over the hill and there he was. In his Purple glory, the state trooper was out of his car signalling for me to pull over. So what do I do? I of course decide to pull over. Smart thing would have been to slow down and pull over in FRONT of his cruiser (where he already had 1 car lined up, presumably having been caught speeding). As I attempted to stop for this trooper I found my self coming up to his rear bumper with a great amount of speed. Ahhh the fear that went through me as I feared that I would pin the trooper between my car and his own. Luckily I was able to stop (with a little screeching of the tires) with out hitting the officer. It was only a short time later that he informed me that my car (the 1988 plymouth reliant that my grandmother had owned for roughly 10 years and which had had its mileage double in the 1.5 years my sister had used it) was caught on radar going 97 mph.
97 mph
I was almost proud to tell my parents. Well maybe not my parents but my friends were sure as hell shocked when I told them 97 mph!