Nashville star
A show that has both Billy Ray AND Jewel!

You know I have seen an episode or two of NBC's Nashville Star
Garnett and Russell's Exchange

Garnett, while tearing up said to Russell: "Did I make you proud? Did I make you proud?"
Russell responded "Yes, you did."
Garnett hugged Russell harder, got closer and said, "I got one of my own. I got one of my own."
If you remember this ESPN converstation between the two of them then you will understand this exchange:
A few things Russell said to him:
"I think that you're gonna win at least 2 or 3 champion ships here... and if you don't but I see you playing the way you should play, I'll share one of mine with you."
"If you play the way you play and you dedicate yourself to doing it, they will come. ... you may have to put you arms around a couple of guys and take them with you, but you cant drag them you've gotta put your arms around them and take them with you"
"you have no idea how proud I am of you"
How awesome is Bill Russell? What a man.
City of Champions just keeps on winning.
131 - 92

The 39 point win beat the NBA record for largest victory in a championship clincher. The previous record was held by the Celtics who beat the Lakers 129 - 96 in Game 5 of the 1965 NBA finals.

Paul Pierce was your NBA Finals MVP.

A man who knows a few things about winning, Bill Russell, is a big fan of KG and said if Garnett was not able to win a ring, Russell would give him one of his.

Danny Ainge, the man with the plan. He set Doc Rivers up for success this season with two major trades to bring in Allen and Garnett.

Red Team Wins!

Turns out that which team you end up on MAY determine whether you win or lose.
It's better to be on the red team than on the blue team in an online multiplayer shooting game, according to researchers.
The scientists studied the outcomes of 1,347 matchups between elite teams playing "Unreal Tournament 2004," a so-called first-person shooter game. The main activity in the game is running around and shooting at the avatars of the opposing team.
As is the case with most team-based online shooting games, players of Unreal Tournament can choose to be on either the red team or the blue team, and their avatars wear those colors. But that choice is not as neutral as it seems: 55 percent of the time, the red team won, according to the study published this week in the journal Cyberpsychology & Behavior.
The article goes on to say that there have been other studies that cite real life examples of teams wearing red have a better chance of winning. Do I think that the teams color has any bearing? No, of course not. Better team wins. plus 5% is not that significant of a number in my opinion. Still, entertaining, is it not?
Surveillance Cameras Finally Have a Use?
"The Get Out Clause", a Manchester (UK) based band decided to use the cities many, many surveillance cameras to produce a low cost video for their song. They performed in front of the surveillance cameras and then asked for copies of the tapes under the Freedom of Information Act. Splice all the footage together and this is what the final result looks like:
What a Comeback!!

The Celtics had their own 24 point deficit to overcome last night. Unlike the Lakers on Sunday night, the Celtics were able to overcome that deficit and win the game 97-91.
Big bench play from Eddie House who chipped in 11 points in 25 minutes.

Championship veteran James Posey had 18 points in his 25 minutes off the bench. He also added his trademark defense to the mix.

The Celtics comeback was fueled by defense. The defense is what has made us the best team in the NBA and it is what will win this series. They held Kobe to only 17 points (on 6 of 19 shooting and 5 of 6 free throws). I believe he had only 3 points in the first half.

Kobe this firmly cements you as NOT Michael Jordan and I don't think you are capable of ever being close to him. He is just incapable of being a teammate or leader. He has all the talent in the world. He can't get over the fact that Jordan was a jerk to teammates (a lot) but he was able to mold it so that he could motivate them. Kobe just doesn't have that skill. Maybe he should take some lessons from his player wrangler (he's no coach) Phil Jackson. This is the only real skill Phil has is motivating players and keeping the teams from falling apart. I may have to reconsider this as he has had a lot of help keeping teams in line when you have Jordan and Shaq as team leaders.
Looks like whiny Phil will have to wait another year to pass Red in championships.

Check out the Game flow, look at the gap of the two scores. Its a beautiful thing.

Still like those Fenway Franks?

You might not want to read this if you enjoy hot dogs or a sausage at the dump that is Fenway Park.
Fenway Park's food stands flunked city health inspections on more than a dozen health and safety measurements on Red Sox opening day April 8, from storing food at unsafe temperatures to failing to clean food preparation counters.
City inspectors discovered the violations, which were significant enough to pose a risk of food poisoning for patrons, even though they had found virtually the same set of problems in an examination more than a week earlier and demanded corrective action.
The concession operator's response to the city's findings was so slow that the city threatened at a municipal court hearing to shut down Fenway Park's food stands if the problems were not fixed. Ultimately, 19 home games passed, and thousands of $4 hot dogs and $6 Italian sausages passed across the counters before the Red Sox concession stands finally passed a city health inspection on May 16.
I am not sure what is worse, the fact that they failed an inspection or that it took them over a month to fix the problems. There were reports of food stored at improper temperatures and employees handling raw meat improperly (failing to switch gloves for example). The most disturbing? Lots of reports of mouse feces. That might be the disgusting one for me.
In fairness to the gap between the first poor inspection to the first clean inspection Fenway was not checked on non-game days which means it was only really 19 chances they botched. Only 19 ... wow.
Labels: Sports
Algae the new Arabs?
Could we produce diesel fuel from algae? It appears that we can. It is not yet been produced on a large enough scale to be a commercially viable solution as of yet. It is still an exciting step in the right direct to end our (foreign) oil dependency. They key here is it produces a fuel we already use thus there is no infrastructure changes we would have to make.
Solazyme, a South San Francisco, Calif.-based company that creates synthetic biological products, said Wednesday that its microalgae-derived fuel is the first renewable diesel to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials' D-975 specifications.
The fuel is chemically the same as petroleum-derived diesel, Solazyme said, so it can be distributed using the existing infrastructure. But it burns cleaner than petroleum-derived diesel, with fewer particulates and sulfur levels.
A 100 percent blend of Solazyme's diesel has been road-tested in a 2005 Jeep Liberty with a diesel engine, the company said in a statement.
Will Smith is Hancock
This movie looks good to me. Will Smith plays Hancock, which by the looks of it is a man with super hero powers but normal human struggles. He has trouble coping with his difference from average man and the average population has trouble coping with him. He then gets involved with a PR man to help his image. This movie both looks funny but also has underlying themes that seem intriguing. I think we have all wondered how Superman would actually be taken in real life. This movie appears to ask these questions.
I am excited to see how these questions are handled and hopefully answered. I have embedded the trailer below. Hopefully you all can figure out to use it.
Celtics take game 2
Leon, Leon, Leon. Leon Powe drops 21 points last night including a coast-to-coast adventure ending in a dunk.

In fact Leon dunking was kind of a theme for the night.

Not bad for 14 minutes of action. His thunderous tomahawk dunk was the highlight of the game for me.
Rajon Rondo had a nice breakaway dunk off of his own block of a three point attempt.

Sadly, we almost blew a 24 point lead but were able to hang on despite a fierce Laker rally in the last 4 minutes.
Suspensions from The Brawl
Coco Crisp was suspended for seven games. Jon Lester got five games. The surprise was that Sean Casey received three games. Not sure why he got three. I am sure we will find out why eventually.
Shields (the pitcher) got 6 games, Jonny Gomes and pitcher Edwin Jackson got 5 games apiece. Carl Crawford got 4 and Akinori Iwamura (who took the hard slide from Coco the night before)got 3.
Apparently the fight in the dugout was about Youkilis's reactions to bad atbats. Apparently the team doesn't like his throwing of bats and helmets after bad atbats especially when the team is doing well and is in first place. It makes him look selfish. The team has reportedly spoke to him about this before during a team meeting.
I don't know why Gomes didn't get the most games. He was throwing legit PUNCHES. he was an escalator in the situation. I am not happy about that. Sure he can get less than Coco but he is also a repeat offender.
Oh ya, We won!
Besides fight night at Fenway we also played a basketball game. The NBA Finals in case you have not heard about them.
Good game that had its scary moments. Paul Pierce was CARRIED off the floor with an apparent leg injury.
Not only was he able to come back, we actually went on a nice little run while he was back in the locker room.

After coming back he hit back to back three pointers that let us take the game back into our control. I'm sure this was an entertaining game even from a neutral fan's perspective. I know I enjoyed it. We fell behind at times but I never felt we let the game get out of control, which is all you can really ask for.
Fiesty Devil Rays
First off, yes I called them the Devil Rays. Where is my 10k or 25k (whatever the amount!) fine? So we had a real good baseball brawl last night. Coco Crisp was nailed in the thigh and charged the mound. The pitcher, James Shields, greeted him with a wild right handed hay maker.

I thought pitchers were only supposed to use their non-throwing hand (Shields is a righty) to save their hand from potential fractures. So Coco easily dodged this blow and was even able to land some of his own.

However, in the ensuing scrum Johnny Gomes comes rushing out of the Rays dugout to jump on the pile and take some really manly punches at Coco as he is trapped on the bottom of a pile.

Johnny Gomes is of course the man who came rushing out of right field to tackle Shelley Duncan of the Yankees during spring training.

So this isn't the first time he has jumped at the chance to be involved in the fight. Let's just make sure my point is made. Gomes was taking Cheap shots.

Gomes, Shields and Crisp were all ejected from the game. I expect Gomes to get the biggest suspension as he was the 3rd man in and could've exploded the situation into something much, much worse. Not to mention he has already had an altercation this year, in spring training no less.
Fight night didn't end there!
After the brawl (between the 4th and 5th innings) Kevin Youkilis and Manny Ramirez got into a little fight and had to be seperated.

The current theory is that Youkilis took exception to Manny not being out on the field for the brawl. Manny was DHing last night though so odds are he was back in the clubhouse as most DHs do after their at bats. Coco's at bat was 4 hitters after his. He did get onto the field albeit late. I wait to hear more about this. We probably won't though as Tito does a good job keeping this stuff in house.
Viral Video...
Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr put this together for the MTV music awards.
"I got priors, so I'm gonna roll." -Robert Downey Jr.