Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Garnett and Russell's Exchange

Garnett, while tearing up said to Russell: "Did I make you proud? Did I make you proud?"
Russell responded "Yes, you did."
Garnett hugged Russell harder, got closer and said, "I got one of my own. I got one of my own."
If you remember this ESPN converstation between the two of them then you will understand this exchange:
A few things Russell said to him:
"I think that you're gonna win at least 2 or 3 champion ships here... and if you don't but I see you playing the way you should play, I'll share one of mine with you."
"If you play the way you play and you dedicate yourself to doing it, they will come. ... you may have to put you arms around a couple of guys and take them with you, but you cant drag them you've gotta put your arms around them and take them with you"
"you have no idea how proud I am of you"
How awesome is Bill Russell? What a man.
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