Still like those Fenway Franks?

You might not want to read this if you enjoy hot dogs or a sausage at the dump that is Fenway Park.
Fenway Park's food stands flunked city health inspections on more than a dozen health and safety measurements on Red Sox opening day April 8, from storing food at unsafe temperatures to failing to clean food preparation counters.
City inspectors discovered the violations, which were significant enough to pose a risk of food poisoning for patrons, even though they had found virtually the same set of problems in an examination more than a week earlier and demanded corrective action.
The concession operator's response to the city's findings was so slow that the city threatened at a municipal court hearing to shut down Fenway Park's food stands if the problems were not fixed. Ultimately, 19 home games passed, and thousands of $4 hot dogs and $6 Italian sausages passed across the counters before the Red Sox concession stands finally passed a city health inspection on May 16.
I am not sure what is worse, the fact that they failed an inspection or that it took them over a month to fix the problems. There were reports of food stored at improper temperatures and employees handling raw meat improperly (failing to switch gloves for example). The most disturbing? Lots of reports of mouse feces. That might be the disgusting one for me.
In fairness to the gap between the first poor inspection to the first clean inspection Fenway was not checked on non-game days which means it was only really 19 chances they botched. Only 19 ... wow.
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