Sunday, April 04, 2010

The Broken Hearts Club

The Broken Hearts ClubWell this is what happens when you search for a movie containing an actor and don't really care what the movie is about. This is how you end up with this movie that is solely about homosexual men and their lives. There are a lot of notable (and presumably straight) actors in this movie: Zach Braff, Dean Cain, John Mahoney, Timothy Olyphant and Andrew Keegan.

The movie itself wasn't all that entertaining. Kind of a story about one of the gay men (Olyphant) deciding his current manizing (that gay for womanizing right?) and whats more from life. He attempts to find himself. In any case it is similar to any straight ensemble cast doing the typical relationships are hard and different for everyone movie.

I just didn't think the quality of this movie was all that great and the story lines are old and stale. It was kind of amusing watching many of these actors play gay. Braff's character was a little too similar to his role on scrubs. Hmmmmm...

Anyways this is movie was kind of blah so it gets a C.


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