Gone Baby Gone

I had heard great things about this movie. Especially with Casey Affleck's performance. The movie does throw in a nice twist ending but ultimately I didn't find it all that entertaining. The movie really does do a nice job tying it up in the end with a final scene. In fact that final scene does a nice job making up for some contrived scenes. The movie just had a weird flow to it. It's a film that I might need to watch again to pick up on it. It's been two weeks since I've seen it so maybe some of the subtly has left my mind. It's probably still worth watching and you can make up your own minds. It's almost a movie with 2 story lines. The surface story line which is fairly simple and straight forward (minus the twist) and then the story line that rumbles underneath that shows us the motivation for the first story line. That is where the final scene comes into play and shows that life and decisions made within that life are not as always simple and what they appear on the surface.
Labels: Movies