Friday, November 13, 2009

Tropic Thunder

Tropic ThunderI finally saw "Tropic Thunder". This movie had some laughs but it had a lot to live up to. There was some funny scenes but the movie did kind of drag along. It was really a lot of downtime just waiting for the next gag scene. There were a couple of funny scenes and Robert Downey Jr. was hilarious as an Australian actor playing the black squadron leader. "What do you mean YOU people?", "What do YOU mean you people?". That was a great line but I saw it in the commercials and trailers so it wasn't that new.

Tom Cruise's cameo wasn't that great. He didn't really add much to the movie as a whole and I wasn't that impressed. Mathew Mcconaughey was as good or maybe even better in his bit part.

The movie wasn't overly hilarious or complicated but there were a couple of laughs. C+ at best.


Well, Kevin and I thought it was pretty hysterical.
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