Tuesday, May 12, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
3 finalists compete
Sweet 3 dudes are left. I'm totally still in the show.... UGH!
But seriously the show is down to Kris and Adam. Danny is a side note and Adam actually sucks and will not sell many albums, so we will see how this goes.
Danny did ok with a crappy Travis Trent D'arby song.
Kris just slayed "Apologize" but the judges didn't like it so much. Too bad because he killed it and he could sell records with it.
Adam gets to sing "one" by U2. A typical butchering by him. He gets so damn screechy. The judges keep saying he is so good but he just isn't...
I'm not even watching the rest I am appalled by this show now.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
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