Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Glee" - Pilot episode

Sure, maybe I'm only into this show because I have a weird thing for the 22 year old star of the show, Lea Michele. Star of the show to me of course.

Other than her it does look like this show could offer a few laughs. Jane Lynch is in it. You can recognize her from "Best in Show" and other good comedies.
Anyways don't be afraid to check out Glee on Fox. It was on tonight at 9 but I'm not sure what the time slot will be.
Labels: Television
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mike Tyson's PunchOut for the Wii?!
I like how they've dropped Tyson from the game but still, how could this NOT be awesome?
Labels: Tech
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
1 of 3 voted off
Here we are down to the last three.
Kris Allen is the first saved. I figured that one. The ladies must love him. I was told he nailed "heartless" last night so I went back and rewatched it. That is exactly the performance that shows why I think he could be a great pop star and the ladies will love him.
Dammit, Adam is the other finalist. What a poser tonight with his skull necklace. This kid suuuuucks.
Peace I'm outta here.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
3 finalists compete
Sweet 3 dudes are left. I'm totally still in the show.... UGH!
But seriously the show is down to Kris and Adam. Danny is a side note and Adam actually sucks and will not sell many albums, so we will see how this goes.
Danny did ok with a crappy Travis Trent D'arby song.
Kris just slayed "Apologize" but the judges didn't like it so much. Too bad because he killed it and he could sell records with it.
Adam gets to sing "one" by U2. A typical butchering by him. He gets so damn screechy. The judges keep saying he is so good but he just isn't...
I'm not even watching the rest I am appalled by this show now.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Justin Timberlake - Immigrant Tale
I actually dream of a day when my great-great grand son will bring sexy back.
Bring sexy back, what does that mean?
It will be gone and he'll bring it back!
Where did it go?
Trust me, people will be on board!
And of course the best line:
Then he'll make love with women so beautiful and so often that it won't be enough for him and he'll, I don't know, he'll try some stuff with guys.
Labels: Humor, Television
Break a car window with a little piece of spark plug
Extreme - Car Glass Crush W/ Tiny Piece!
Labels: Science
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Last Scrubs for Zach Braff

Tonight's season finale of Scrubs will be the last episode for Dr. John "JD" Dorian (played by Zach Braff). ABC has not yet committed to renewing the show for another season but indications are that Scrubs will be on its schedule when they announce it later this May.
It will be interesting to see how they handle the departure of Braff. They have had several other shows this year revolve around other characters so I believe they are hoping the format will work with other characters. That has yet to be seen and I, for one, do not think the show will retain its charm.
Labels: Television
American Idol - Season 8
1 of 4 voted off
Well No Doubt proves once again that they (Gwen) are not good live.
The real news is that it is time to say good-bye to 16 year old Allison Iraheta.

That is too bad, I thought she was very, very good. With out a doubt though we have not seen the last of her. Sometimes it is better to not win so you can get your own record deal.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
American Idol - Season 8 -
4 Finalists Compete
This week is Rock week. Guns N' Roses' guitarist Slash will be appearing. We also will be getting duets from the contestants which will be interesting. Whatever you have to do to fill an hour I guess.
Adam Lambert leads off by dressing like David Bowie and singing "Whole Lotta Love". He is supposed to be a rock singer so this should be good for him. He's pretty boring though, sounds like every other song he has done.
Allison is singing "Cry baby" which is a bit disappointing because it comes off too much like Allison is copying Janis Joplin. She should be making her own sound and persona. That's not saying she did a bad job, she did good but it was just predictable.
Kris and Danny then do their duet, "Renegade". Kris struggles with the rock style while Danny seems at home with it. Kris is definitely not a rock singer and needs to stick with his serenading style instead.
Kris is choosing "Come Together" tonight. This is coming off as a disaster to me. I struggle to find even one thing I like about it.
Danny chose "Dream On" by Aerosmith. Not a bad rendition but not great either.
Allison and Adam close the show by taking us on a "Slow Ride". Lucky for us Adam found his spandex striped pants for this show. They actually play off of each other very well with the similar vocal style and voices. Adam gets too screechy for me as usual but other than that it was very good.
Judging by tonight only, Kris should be heading home.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
Friday, May 01, 2009
Rashida Jones is hot.
As a public service: Rashida Jones is HOT. She is on the show Parks and Recreation currently. It's kind of a rip off of The Office and thus isn't that good.

Labels: Celebrities