Thursday, March 05, 2009
American Idol - Season 8 -
Judge's Wild Card

Jesse came out singing "Tell me something good". She wasn't that bad but I don't know if I like her. They always like her bluesy singing. I'm just not sure how good it is and if it really fits this competition.
She kind of gives me a weird vibe too. She might be a bit mature for the competition.

I'm not sure I get any of the hub bub about Matt. I don't think his bluesy singing is all that great. I am sure there is a place in this world for him but I definitely do not think he is an American Idol. I know the producers may want to take Idol in another direction. Paula says America is loving him. I'm not too sure about that.
I'm not sure who would want to by his albums. I don't think teens will be lining up to buy them or see him in concert.

Megan is one of my favorite contestants. She is adorable and I thought she was very good during her week. She is performing "Black Horse & The Cherry Tree" tonight. I don't know how she didn't make it originally. I think she is the perfect example of an American Idol. I see her selling albums and concerts. I would be shocked if the judges don't select her to be in the finals.

Von's biggest problem is that he gets a bit shouty with the mic. This probably shouldn't be a problem tonight with his song, "Sorry seems to be the hardest word".
He does seem to be singing in a falsetto voice and this isn't how I really remember him singing previously.
He's an odd looking kid too. Maybe like a hobbit?
The judges were not too kind with him.

Jasmine was pretty good during her week. She probably just missed. We know the judges like her as the total package, good looking girl with a good voice. Sure I compared her to Sam Cassell but she really is a cute girl.
She is singing "Reflections" which was sung by Christina Aguilera in the movie Mulan.
It's a nice performance but it wasn't outstanding but it did show her tremendous potential in her voice. I'm not crazy about the song choice though.

Ricky just kind of bores me. I don't really get who he is. He is doing "Superstitious" a classically great song.
Really? You are going to wear a tie and vest tonight? With your skinny jeans? I don't get that. The performance was very underwhelming and did not live up to the song. Such a great song that he sung ok but it lacked the emotion that makes the song so good in the first place.

I don't get why we are being subjected to this girl again. She is incredibly annoying to listen to before and after performances. I just don't get it. Is she for real with this? She is singing "Saving all my love for you". Oh boy! Whitney is very tough to do, why would she go with this song?
I actually like the performance. It wasn't too bad. Unfortunately with all the baggage she brings to the table she needs to be taken out. If it wasn't for who she was, I would've liked her performance a lot. It's too bad.

Everyone should know by know I like Anoop. He might be my favorite male contestant. I like his personality. He's a decent singer too. I think he would do well in the competition. Anoop is singing "My prerogative". Come on now, he picks great songs, that alone should keep him in this competition. Each week you know he will pick the song that we all hoped someone would sing! He might not be the best voice in this competition but he's got a bit of showman to him. I don't think he can win it all but I think he is very entertaining and can stay in for a few weeks.
The Judges Picks
The judges through us a curveball and actually select four contestants instead of the three we were expecting. That sly Simon is the one who announces the good news to Anoop.

I understand Jasmine and Megan. The are both cute girls with good voices. They should do well in the competition. Anoop will be entertaining for as long as he is in the competition so that makes sense. I'm not sure what they see in Matt. I'm obviously not a big fan.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
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