Friday, February 27, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Three Finalists Chosen
So here we are chosing three more singers to continue on. In case you didn't see my last blog I think the favorites are Adam Lambert, Allison Iraheta and Megan Joy Corkrey. Am I right? I have no idea ...
They artists are doing "Closer". I can't help but exclaim that Adam Lambert is a HUGE DOUCHEBAG!! Allison doesn't really stand out in these groups like Megan Joy Corkrey.
Ok, let's fire this up.
Allison Iraheta is the first one called up to the stage. Ryan calls her to the side of the stage and calls out Jesse Langseth. Why did he ignore Allison? Because she should be safe ... right? Ryan then tells Jesse to step aside too and calls out Matt Breitzke. He throws the three of them to the side. Apparently only 1 of them will make it to the finals. That is what Ryan implies.

Ryan then calls Megan Joy Corkrey and Kris Allen out to the stage. This is bad news for Megan. Unless that is Ryan calls out another person. I'm pulling for Megan.
However Ryan does call out another person. Two people in fact. Both Jeanine Vailes and Matt Giraud. This is good news for Megan. One of these four makes the top twelve. It has to be Megan. Although Kris was close I just think Megan makes it.
Ryan tries to narrow it down by telling Jeanine that she is going home. Matt is sent home next. I like this drama because both Kris and Megan COULD make it. However one girl has already made it so that means if Megan makes it the third contestant HAS to be a male.

Of course all the drama is sucked out now because I think Adam Lambert is going in for sure. If not by actual vote than by producers executive decisions.
Mishavonna Henson, Kai Kalama, Adam Lambert and Jasmine Murray are all called up to stage. It is interesting that only Nick Mitchell remains after this group is called up. That is actually pretty odd. I assume he doesn't make it to the finals but they want to do a special send of for him because of his uniqueness.
Not surprisingly Mishavonna Henson, Kai Kalama and Jasmine Murray are all dismissed.
Nick/Norman and Adam are left out on the stage. I would LOVE if America chose to keep the comedian Nick in for another round. Especially because it would mean the douchebag Adam would be gone. unfortunately I think the butcher douchebag Adam will be making it.

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