Wednesday, February 18, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
3 Finalists Chosen
So tonight is a results show where they will be announcing the 3 finalists from this group. I believe there are 3 wildcard spots but I am not sure how those are handed out. Whether it is votes or the judges/producers.
If you read my post last night then You know I expecting Danny Gokey, Anoop Desai and Alexis Grace to be the three finalists. However I would not be surprised to see Casey or Stephen get in instead of one of them.
So I think the thing I love most about Idol is the group songs they always do for results shows.
Casey is definitely the hottest in this group. Ann Marie is pretty good looking too, just not as much.
Ryan pulls Casey out to the middle of the stage first. She, of course, is not in the top 3. Stephen is called out next and he too, is not moving on.

Sure enough, she makes it into the final 12!
Ricky and Jackie are called out together. This can't be good for the two of them, especially following someone that made it into the final 12.

This time I am wrong as Michael Sarver somehow sneaks into the finals. Not sure how, he doesn't have that much personality on stage.
Carly Smithson and Michael Johns come out to perform. I wonder how their careers are going. I don't remember hearing about them at all. After seeing them perform, it is no surprise why I haven't.
Ann Marie Boskovich is called out to stand. I don't really expect her to make it. Brent Keith is also asked to stand, as well as Stevie Wright. As expected none of the three made it into the top 3 so none will be moving on.

Danny makes it as I expected/hoped. Thank goodness. I think he has a very good chance of winning the whole thing. We'll have to see who makes it to the final 12 with him though.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
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