Nip/Tuck Season 6

Do you remember when Nip/Tuck was a cool edgy show? Well that was probably back 2 or 3 seasons. The last two seasons have just been embarrassing story line after horrible story line. So I finally watched my recorded season premier. I am not expecting much and luckily they deliver. Dr. McNamara gets stabbed multiple times by his stalker/former agent. Then Dr. Troy has breast cancer ... really? That is what we are starting the new season with? Ugh. At least it took the focus off of Dr. McNamara's horrible family. I don't care about his horrible looking wife (and her lesbian wife and her horrible, lion looking, also on 90210 daughter).
It is really disappointing because at one time this was a decent show. Edgy and some not-quite nudity. That was when the show was at its peak.
Labels: Television