Wednesday, January 14, 2009
American Idol - Season 8
Season 8 starts off in Phoenix. Of course we have to sit through endless no-hope people, some I think honestly think they are good. It's a bit sad. I know some only want to be on tv or get noticed but others definitely think they are good enough.

With a two hour episode, it is hard to comment much on all the contestants. I will do my best to mention who I think has a legit chance to win.
Stevie Wright has a bubbly personality and a good voice. Kind of good looking in a weird sort of way. Always smiling. Could become very annoying.
Ok, this alleged bikini girl (Katrina Darrell). Good for you, you got some attention. You also got Ryan Seacrest to come up with any excuse NOT to kiss a girl and act awkward at the thought. So that made it worth it in my book. While singing she had a very weird look on her face. She also got the claws to come out in the new judge. She even dropped a bitch on her. That alone was worth it. Well needless to say I don't think she will make it past Hollywood week.
I was feeling bad for Brianna Quijada because she was so emotional but wasn't the best singer. She was a very nice singer but not good enough really. They eventually let her in (Paula and Simon) mostly because they liked her personality which would be a good thing but really her voice just will turn out to not be up to snuff.
Deanna Brown has a nice accent. A quirky sounding voice to go with a quirky look.
Cody Sheldon is a creepy kid. Clean him up a little and he might get a teeny bopper vote. I don't think his voice is that good but then again I think the men are at a disadvantage in this competition.
Alex Wagner-Trugman is a dorky looking kid but I like his performance. I liked it. Apparently quirky is my word of the day because this kid is quirky. I like him and think he will actually do well.
Scott Macintyre is a blind man. I'm not sure how he would be able to perform down the line. Probably a lot of time behind the piano (he is classically trained) will be in his future. I didn't think he was that good but I'm sure the Idol people will like to show him off. Of course Kara called him courageous which she then clarified that it was because he was without his piano and not because of his blindness.
I'm a little upset we didn't get to see more of the girl in the white skirt they showed in the closing montage. She looked like she might be good looking.
It continues to amaze me that people come from all over to audition at these places. In Phoenix there was someone from Detroit. Is that really the closest place to audition? Did they make this a vacation? I am a bit confused.
Labels: American Idol, Music, Television
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