Tuesday, November 04, 2008

How did I vote?


Nader/Gonzalez because I will be damned if I am voting for the lesser of two evils. We need radical party restructuring in this country. The two party system is failing us. When is a candidate ever going to win this country again with a wide margin or even a majority? We are doomed to presidents winning with 48% of the popular vote. We need a leader the country can rally behind.

The truly sad part? I thought McCain would be that man. The way he has had to change and bend further right to win his party's nomination has ruined this candidate.

I even would have voted for him still if he had selected a better VP candidate than Palin. I think that was a horrible mistake that cost him this election. She seems like an obvious pander to the woman vote or even worse a grab for disgruntled Clinton supporters.

Massachusetts only questions

Question 1: Repeal state income tax

Question 1 would reduce the state personal income tax rate to 2.65 percent for the tax year beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2009, and would eliminate the tax beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2010.
I voted NO on this question. I think in these times of economic crisis it is a bad time to repeal taxes. This won't make people's lives easier in the long term. Taxes will always come back. I know I will just save/pay debt with the measly 5% I would be saving. I just don't see the benefit the state gains by allowing this massive budget cut.

Question 2: Decriminalize marijuana possession

Ballot Question 2 would replace the criminal penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana with a system of civil penalties, and would exclude information from the state's criminal record system. Offenders under 18 would have their parents notified.
I voted NO. This is just ridiculous. It is a measure to make marijuana legal. That might be happening in the future but for now it is still a crime and is run by criminals. I do not support any measures to lessen possession as crime until we eliminate the criminal element from this and allow corporation to import and/or grow this as a cash crop. Then we can allow the government to properly tax the heck out of it like we do cigarettes. I eventually see marijuana supplanting tobacco and that is a movement I can support. Not making criminals lives easier.
This is a dangerous step if it passes.

Question 3: Ban dog racing

Question 3 Would prohibit any dog racing or racing meeting in Massachusetts where any form of betting or wagering on the speed or ability of dogs occurs.
I voted NO. I have since learned that Massachusetts allegedly has some of the strictest rules about the treatment of these dogs and of racing. Forcing them out of Massachusetts would actually put more dogs in danger than they are now.
I find it odd that this state is trying very hard to bring in casinos but wants to eliminate dog racing. Which is worse I ask? Gambling can be VERY cruel to humans.
I also do no support the job losses that would happen if this passes. It is not the time to force anyone out of work if we can prevent it. Not to mention the costs on the state that unemployment would cause. Combine that with question 1 and we migth be really screwing ourselves.

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