Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Do Not Bail Out The Auto Industry

I know it is easy to ask the government for free cash right now since they are seemingly so willing to hand it out but is it really a good idea?
The auto industry has made bad business decisions year after year. They keep designing cars/trucks that people don't like. They have been refusing to up mileage and keep paying money to congress to prevent such limits. They need to buckle down and produce vehicles people want. Cut back on the number of models so you can perfect the ones you sell. Invest in alternative fueled vehicles and high mileage vehicles. You should be able to make money. People would love to buy American but with so many alternatives that are better than your product and cheaper than your product it is just impossible to do so.

The problem starts at the top. The executives need to show some initiative and make some serious changes in their plan. These companies do not need to be saved if they can't save themselves!


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