Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pineapple Express

I took in Pineapple Express last night. It was pretty much what I expected. A total stoner movie that had some good laughs for the non-chemically-enhanced person (as I was). There is some sophomoric humor, site gags, subtle jokes and some thinkers (don't worry not too many of these) that are dispersed throughout the movie. The movie's plot is alarmingly simple, but I was not expecting to be kept on the edge of my seat. However I will divulge that the end of the movie does become an "action" movie of sorts. A comically done (with out being too over-the-top) action sequence with some very good humor intertwined. The ending scene was a little hokey for me and left me desiring a bit more. There is some good lines thrown into the banter but it kind of led to a sudden ending.

Overall I would say this is movie that is good, but you can wait until it is on video or on television. The R rating is only for the overabundance of pot references (images, smoking, verbally), there is no real nudity so your TV experience would not be harmed.
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