New Milk Bottles.

Enter the stackable milk jug. The new milk jug is a bulk cylinder, without the tapered top of the standard jug. The plastic composition has also changed and benefits are tremendous. The square design allows it to be packed more tightly saving shelf space and shipping costs. Companies are passing on the savings. The cost of the average jug was $2.18 to $2.58 a gallon. On average they were around 10 to 20 cents a gallon cheaper than traditional jugs.
This is great news for the consumer. Sure it might be more difficult to pour out of the jugs (as some complain) but an easy solution to that is to have a nice glass jug in the fridge where you can pour all the milk into. That might help make it easier to get the individual glasses of milk.
The new size of these milk cartons makes it much easier to ship and store. No longer must milk crates be used (and washed and reused).
They have cut their labor costs in half and their water costs (used to wash the crates mainly, formerly) by 60 to 70 percent. Meanwhile, they now only need two trips a week to each Sam's Club store, instead of five. And Sam's Club is happy as it can now store 224 gallons of milk in its fridges, up from 80 gallons.