Tuesday, May 06, 2008

American Idol - The Final Four

David Archuleta, David Cook, Jason Castro and Syesha Mercado are your final four. Tonight the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened up it's catelog of songs to Idol. Each contestant gets two songs apiece.

David Cook begins with "Hungry like the wolf" by Duran Duran. This seems like something that he should be able to make sound good.
As soon as I say that he begins ... and he begins to sound like ever other song I have heard from him. Not impressed, found it boring and uninspired.
Randy says it was just ok. Paula Liked it. Simon called it a bit copy cat-ish but should be good enough for tonight.

Syesha Mercado is second. She's sporting the straightened hair again. Not bad, but I'd like to see her keep mixing it up. She is singing "Proud Mary" by Tina Turner. I like her attitude going into this. She was a bit worried about the choreography. She doesn't have Tina's legs, but who does? She starts of a bit borish but when she gets into the dancing the song picks up a bit. I think Simon may find it a bit too cabaret and may even mention a drag queen. Randy likes that she's taken it up subsequent notches these few weeks. Paula liked the performance, she babbled quite a bit. Simon of course called it a bad shrieky version and a bad impersonation of Tina Turner.

Up next is Jason Castro with "I shot the sheriff" by Bob Marley. He said it best, "Go figure". Ok we get it Jason, you are such a hip kid who likes the pot lifestyle. We all went to college with this guy. You are boring. Dreadlocks are gross, they are built from dirt. This song bores me.
Randy thought it was karaoke. Paula wasn't crazy about it which says a lot. When Paula doesn't like it you know you are screwed. Simon thought it was atrocious. When Simon tells him he doesn't know what he was thinking Jason responds with "Bob Marley!!". I hate this act, ugh. Disgusts me.

David Archuleta is singing "Stand By Me" which means the judges will be falling all over themselves with compliments for a song i just think is ok.
I personally don't really get the fuss over this kid, but he is clearly the favorite of the show. Good luck making good albums with a guy who I think is just an ok performer.
Randy likes that he hits the stage hard every time trying to win the competition. Paula loves the young boys! blah blah. Simon told him he was very well placed ... hmmm have the producers favorite go after a song they know the judges are going to rip? NOOO! Producers with a vested interest in the show AND the albums wouldn't try to play mind games with simple America would they?

End of the first half of the show. I don't really want to watch the 2nd half.

Second half begins and I have a gun to my head.

David Cook chose "Baba O'Reilly" by the who. Most people think it's called "Teenage Wasteland". I like this song along and can't wait for him to butcher it.

He starts off way to slow and soft for my liking. Anyone notice his lame beard makes him look a lot like George Michaels

Paula loves watching his soul. Where does she get this stuff? I swear she has 4 brain cells. Simon and Randy loved it. Shocker.

Syesha hits us with "A change is gonna come". Wow, she just compared the civil rights movement to her time on American Idol. Yes, I can see the parallels. The "pivotal time in history" versus a "pivotal time in [your] life". Come on Syesha comparing to your time on a game show (after all that is what that is what idol is, a game show) to the plight of an ENTIRE COUNTRY? Bah. Oh ya the song was typically belted out by her as we've come to expect. Unfortunately this is not just a singing competition as Simon tries to call it. The song didn't blow me away, she'd have been better off picking a song people know.

Randy didn't like it. Paula stood and applauded and then followed it up with some gibberish. I think she liked it. Simon agreed with Paula. He liked it. I am bit surprised. Are they trying to give her a big push to get her into the finals? Oh ya, Syesha is bawling. She keeps mentioning the civil rights movement. This is a good time to point out that Syesha is black in case you didn't know.

Jason Castro is coming up. I might smash my head in. Hope he references his pot smoking again. Do you think he even smokes the dope? Or does he just have this persona? Anyways, he is "sticking with the Bobs" and doing "Mr. tambourine man" by Bob Dylan. Not surprised he would go Dylan. Ah yes "folk rock", that's why he likes it. I really might go out to Hollywood to punch him in the face. HE FORGOT THE WORDS?!?!? Is that what that the mumbles were all about? "I lost some lines in there" he says. Randy says he's not in the zone. Then some fans yell out "yes you are" and I think (I think) Paula says "no, you aren't". She definitely says "it is what it is". Simon has my favorite line, "I'd pack my suitcase". God he definitely deserves the most to go home after tonight's lackluster performances.

The golden boy ends the show. "Love me tender" which will be going out to his voters which I can only assume is the gay audience. Speaking of which do any straight men vote for this show? Is it only gay men and women? That would explain a lot of the voting actually. This song isn't actually too bad by him. However I don't get what he is trying to portrait. Who are you David Archuleta are you going to be an adult contemporary star? Not sure I see too many pop songs in his future.

The judges all love him, no surprise.

Tune in tomorrow when Syesha and Jason are the bottom two. It actually may be interesting to see who goes home. America has never supported Syesha but Jason really did lay a big fat egg.

My enthusiasm for the show is dwindling...


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