Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Superbad ... more like SuperAWESOME!

If you don't see this movie you are lame. The movie is full of juvenile humor and curse words. When they say rated R they mean it. Do NOT bring anyone under 17 or I will call DYS on you.
For adults though: This was hilarious!!
Things I learned from this movie
'The Bus' is a liar
I never like this man but this revelation kind of makes him look like a douchebag.
Bettis, fearing he would be cut if the team knew how much the knee was injured, didn't say anything. During a short-yardage drill at an early camp practice, Bettis fell down, grabbed his knee and yelled in pain.
"Man, did I do a nice job of acting,'' Bettis wrote in the book
Some people might hurt their backs during the weekend or on vacation, then go to work and claim it was work related. They are frauding workman's comp just as Bettis did. Bettis has a reputation as a 'nice guy' but this has to hurt that a little. To openly admit to lying and defrauding his team has to tarnish that reputation a little right?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Bigger Than Transformers?

Justin Marks is writing the script and it is going to be a post-apocalyptic setting of New York City and Mexico. There is/was an alien attack and five survivors get a hold of the Voltron lions. Let's just hope he stays with the 5 same types as the cartoon.
Those 5 were of course:
For this movie to succeed they need to find a hot (hopefully unknown) actress to market around.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
If you are looking for a gift for me ...
Look no further!

Luxeed LED rainbow keyboard
ok so maybe I don't really want it, but it's still fun and cool looking.
People lie on the internet?
An Ohio man was charged with statutory rape on a 13 year old girl. He is planning on introducing, as evidence, her Myspace page on which she lists her age as 18.
Basically this appeal was denied. One reason being there was no proof that he had seen the myspace page and thus was able to be misinformed at the time of the crime.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Google to have its own browser?
Add to Google Earth the Google word processor, spreadsheet, slide presentation program, and the many other browser apps in development, and it really starts to seem like a good possibility that Google would build their own browser. Along with support for applications, they could also increase security for those apps and monetize it all on several levels.
This actually concerns me. I really think Google is the biggest challenge to Microsoft in the future. No one likes to root for Goliath (Microsoft) but isn't the real danger having TWO Goliaths? This would be like the PC/Apple wars back in the 'olden' days. Compatibility is the key to coexistence. Would Mac's be as popular today if PC user's couldn't read their documents or see their pictures?
Now I am all for competition but Google scares/bothers me. I find them to be sneaky. Not out right so but sneaky-sneaky. They are leading the "anti-Microsoft" type charge but they themselves yearn to be Microsoft. It is like someone being anti-Castro in hopes of taking the island over for themselves (man I wish I was smart enough to come up with a real life example, any help?).