Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tom Cruise is an idiot

Ok this has to be a farce, right?
If this is actually a legit bronzing of Suri's first bowel movement, then DSS should be taking this baby (if she really exists) away from this lunatic ASAP. As if the scientology(no capitol S on purpose there) isn't proof enough that he is an unfit parent.
I don't care about the alleged pictures of baby Suri. I find it hard to imagine she exists. I also find it next to impossible that this baby is Tom Cruise's and was conceived "naturally".
-end rant-
I look at it a different way, if this is real, that has to be the biggest baby shit EVER. I'm no parent, but hang around anyone who's just had a kid and the 'first poop looks like tar' stories come out eventually.
I'm guessing it's real poop, something Joey shit on a plate and told Tom that their kid did it. I think she really wants to see how crazy this dude is.
I'm guessing it's real poop, something Joey shit on a plate and told Tom that their kid did it. I think she really wants to see how crazy this dude is.
now this is just silly. if anyone has ever seen baby poop theyd know that that cant be real. it does not look like that whatsoever. even the jack russell terrier i had didnt poop like that. and, i happened to succumb to the temptation of flipping through the Vanity Fair issue in which they show pictures of their new baby, and they look pretty normal - like your typical new family. and i have to say, Suri is one of the two cutest babies ive ever seen - 2nd only to my niece Isabella. :) and since she looks JUST like katie.. id say she does in fact "exist." people are silly and need to stop attacking celebrities for no reason. we criticize them for being abnormal, yet when they attempt being normal (e.g. starting a family), we continue to criticize. some people are never satisfied and thats too bad. maybe katie was smart... she mentioned in the article that when media/people started ridiculing her pregnancy, she had no interest in sharing pictures or any info with the public. with good reason... so how 'bout leaving it all alone.
way to focus on the poop clarita!
ps tom cruise is gay. thats not an opinion, just a fact.
You make your living being in the public eye. It is a choice they made when they decided to use hollywood as the vehicle for occupation. You don't get to choose only the good parts (money and fame) and leave the bad parts behind (fame and fans).
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ps tom cruise is gay. thats not an opinion, just a fact.
You make your living being in the public eye. It is a choice they made when they decided to use hollywood as the vehicle for occupation. You don't get to choose only the good parts (money and fame) and leave the bad parts behind (fame and fans).