Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Massachusetts Democratic Candidates.
from The Weekly Dig we have a look at the three Democratic candidates.

He’s tall, goofy and not an especially impressive presence in person. He has a tendency to speak too quickly and to get bogged down in minutiae. “Results” talk needs more actionable proposals. Smart, though.

By far the most polished and articulate candidate on the ticket, known for his legion of grassroots true believers and his soaring, stirring speeches that often have no discernable substance. He’s refreshing because he’s not a total disaster on the stump like every other Democratic gubernatorial candidate we’ve had over the last 16 years, but his ability to get people to absolutely love him and not really be able to explain why afterward is a little spooky.

The hard-working, good-guy veneer is peeling away, exposing a vengeful, cynical hack. He blames Republicans for the Big Dig, then takes campaign contributions from Dig contractors; before the tunnel collapsed, he wanted to cap Bechtel’s disaster liability.
In summation it looks like Reilly is kind of a scum bag, so he's out. Between Gabrieli and Patrick there are many similarities but I do have to give credit to Deval's come from the poor south side of Chicago and do big things. He is definatly my favorite but I don't see an opinion on Stem Cell research (which i am very much for). If it turns out he is opposed to said research then I will switch to Gabrieli.
Winner(of my support): Deval Patrick
I'm conflicted between Gabrieli and Patrick. You also left out the part about Gabrieli living in Beacon Hill; "so watch out you underage Suffolk drunkards"
Additionally: Under Gabrieli:
"Issues n' such: Sodomy- loves it."
The Dig also said in the preface that this was a "mildly authoritative and not-at-all biased look at the three candidates." Then, they go on to say (about Reilly): "The hard-working, good-guy veneer is peeling away, exposing a vengeful, cynical hack." Biased? Hmph.
its way late for this little seedling. im hititng the hay. tomorrow!
Additionally: Under Gabrieli:
"Issues n' such: Sodomy- loves it."
The Dig also said in the preface that this was a "mildly authoritative and not-at-all biased look at the three candidates." Then, they go on to say (about Reilly): "The hard-working, good-guy veneer is peeling away, exposing a vengeful, cynical hack." Biased? Hmph.
its way late for this little seedling. im hititng the hay. tomorrow!
anonymous? Thats kind of bland.
I assume all the sodomy references have to do with the gay marriage support. Which I semi-support. I think the blog has my full view on gay marriage somewhere. I should link.
What is wrong with Gabrieli living in Beacon Hill, I didn't follow that one? I don't care where these people live. I assume they are all currently rich dudes.
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I assume all the sodomy references have to do with the gay marriage support. Which I semi-support. I think the blog has my full view on gay marriage somewhere. I should link.
What is wrong with Gabrieli living in Beacon Hill, I didn't follow that one? I don't care where these people live. I assume they are all currently rich dudes.