Friday, August 12, 2005
A-Rod and Roids
I dont want to start rumors, but unfortunatly I have it on some insider info that Alex Rodriquez tested positive for steriods. He is one of the names MLB is sitting on for steriods.
This one hurts ladies and Gents. I truly thought that ARod was one guy who didnt use roids. I put him in the category of griffey jr. That is to say those of who lived with their natural talent. If A-Rod used steroids then I don't know who in this generation can be called a HOFer.
If this comes to be true (this year, I assume these test won't last to next year) then i lose faith in the sport I have always loved.
This does not mean I stop watching baseball. This simple means I no longer believe in the records I have seen happen while I have watched. It means that the older generation truly has seen better ball players than I have.
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