Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A fun conversation about steriods

I think this conversation sums up the general public's irrational feelings on steriods.
for sake of anonymity lets call him M. Brennan. Wait, that is too obvious, how about Mike B.

Conversation with Mike B.

(11:25:14) Me: holley is right
(11:25:28) Mike B.:i don't listen to those two
(11:25:34) Me: you know what i was thinking while watchign sportscenter?
(11:25:39) Me: barry doesnt have steriod jaw
(11:26:02) Mike B.:guilty as all hell
(11:27:24) Me: no
(11:27:31) Me: they only reason people give
(11:27:34) Me: is that he is too good
(11:27:37) Me: and that is bullshit
(11:28:28) Mike B.:too good, try he blew up like a hotair balloon
(11:28:37) Me: oh ya
(11:28:39) Me: i forgot
(11:28:59) Me: you arent allowed to hire personal chefs and have personal trainers and personal gyms
(11:29:20) Mike B.:from 1927 - 1998, one player in baseball history hit as many as 60 homeruns, his name was roger maris
(11:29:24) Mike B.:yet
(11:29:46) Me: and the only ansswer is setirods
(11:29:47) Mike B.:from 1998-2001 there were six occasions on which a player hit as many as 63 homeruns
(11:29:52) Me: nto smaller hitter friendly parks
(11:29:57) Me: worse thinned out pitching
(11:30:03) Me: more lively baseballs
(11:30:04) Mike B.:nope
(11:30:09) Me: none of those play into it
(11:30:14) Me: its all the juice
(11:30:19) Mike B.:71 yrs
(11:30:23) Mike B.:then 3 yrs
(11:30:27) Mike B.:don't think so
(11:30:32) Mike B.:its called steroids
(11:30:45) Me: yep
(11:30:51) Me: all the juice
(11:30:55) Mike B.:someday you'll come to the realization
(11:31:01) Mike B.:cheaters never win
(11:31:51) Me: i feel sorry for people like you
(11:31:59) Me: its the dissallusioned youth of america today
(11:32:05) Me: so cynacle
(11:32:32) Mike B.:you're foolish and naive
(11:33:12) Me: and you are funny and bitter
(11:33:23) Mike B.:i hate the damn guy
(11:33:31) Me: and that is clouding your judgement
(11:33:47) Mike B.:no
(11:33:52) Me: very much so
(11:34:03) Me: you are so biased against him that you fail to see any other angle
(11:34:12) Mike B.:his body is breaking down because his joints and liagaments have been carrying around too much extra weight on them
(11:34:17) Me: yep
(11:34:21) Mike B.:and its finally catching up
(11:34:25) Mike B.:he's a cheat
(11:34:29) Me: and it has nothign to do with the fact the guy is 40 years old
(11:34:37) Me: a time when most peopel are ending their careers
(11:34:51) Mike B.:and there is no room for cheaters, it takes away from the guys out there everyday playing their hearts out
(11:35:37) Mike B.:its all a cover to let this all blow over anyway
(11:36:32) Me: oh man
(11:36:39) Me: you are unbelieveable
(11:40:13) Mike B.:its definately a cover, so he can lay low
(11:40:43) Me: yep
(11:40:48) Me: him and bruschi right?
(11:40:57) Mike B.:brushci didn't do roids
(11:41:45) Me: maybe, maybe not
(11:41:53) Me: maybe his body is falling apart after years of abuse
(11:42:22) Mike B.:he's certainly not "mentally drained"
(11:42:29) Mike B.:or "tired"
(11:42:44) Me: how do you know? when was the last time he was interviewed?
(11:43:29) Me: now, are you a Bruschi fan?
(11:43:50) Mike B.:what does interviews have to do with anything
(11:44:04) Mike B.:does everything that comes from the media have to be true
(11:45:02) Me: well, how did you hear what barry said?
(11:45:07) Me: were you there?
(11:45:12) Mike B.:yes
(11:45:13) Me: or was it from the media?
(11:45:14) Mike B.:live feed
(11:45:25) Me: exactly
(11:45:36) Me: man you dont have a leg to stand on in this arguement
(11:45:44) Me: and i thought you were educated
(11:46:11) Mike B.:so what are trying to say here, the guy that took steroids is the greatest player of all time
(11:46:14) Mike B.:wonderful
(11:46:21) Mike B.:i hope he can sleep at night
(11:46:35) Mike B.:knowing he had to take enhancements to get there
(11:47:00) Me: a) if he took steriods while they were not illegal by MLB rules, its none of our business
b) hes top 5 player, if not the best.
c) I bet he sleeps fine.
(11:47:18) Me: this should not even be an issue, to be honest with you
(11:47:20) Mike B.:and what if it comes out that he's still taking them
(11:47:27) Me: then he is cheating
(11:47:35) Me: now that it is against the rules
(11:47:45) Mike B.:it was against the rules last year
(11:47:46) Me: and fyi - it also means that the system isnt working right
(11:47:57) Mike B.:so now its the systems fault
(11:47:59) Me: bottom line, show me proof he used it last year or this year
(11:48:03) Mike B.:not the guy injecting them
(11:48:04) Me: GET PROOF
(11:48:11) Me: GET PROOF
(11:48:12) Mike B.:FYI
(11:48:15) Mike B.:ITS COMING
(11:48:20) Me: doubtful
(11:48:34) Mike B.:its not going away until it does come
(11:48:43) Me: because people hate him
(11:48:52) Me: where is the maguire witch hunt?
(11:49:01) Me: hell where is the sosa hunt?
(11:49:14) Me: id say sosa used steriod before barry
(11:49:15) Mike B.:mcguire is done, not getting into the hall
(11:49:21) Mike B.:already has an astercik
(11:49:41) Mike B.:sosa is done
(11:49:44) Mike B.:corked bat
(11:49:56) Me: corked bat + no production lately
(11:50:31) Me: mike holley is smarter than dale
(11:51:02) Me: i think we are selling the benefits of advances in weight training short
(11:51:17) Me: hell, bret boone's more likely to have used steriods
(11:51:26) Mike B.:of course he did
(11:51:34) Mike B.:jesus man, they all did
(11:53:30) Me: wow, good caller
(11:55:36) Me: steriods have been around for decades
(11:55:50) Mike B.:not the kind Balco produced
(11:56:01) Me: and what kind are those?
(11:56:03) Me: magical ones?
(11:56:41) Mike B.:stronger
(11:56:43) Mike B.:updated
(11:56:50) Me: oh i see, magical
(11:57:03) Mike B.:its like saying we're still using the same cars as 20 yrs ago
(11:57:50) Me: so with our technology we have built better stronger steriods?
(11:58:12) Mike B.:created
(11:58:15) Mike B.:tinked with
(11:58:21) Mike B.:tinkered with
(11:58:44) Me: is that a yes?
(11:59:15) Me: science and technology have created advances in steriods?
(12:01:18) Mike B.:no they haven't
(12:01:23) Mike B.:they've regressed
(12:01:38) Me: ok, then steriods have gotten worse over the years?
(12:02:19) Mike B.:not worse
(12:02:28) Mike B.:less effective
(12:02:37) Me: ok well i see you are done talking about this
(12:02:39) Mike B.:the weights their using are just stronger
(12:02:51) Mike B.:they must weigh different now
(12:02:58) Mike B.:more reps i guess
(12:03:07) Mike B.:somehow can do more reps
(12:03:20) Mike B.:or maybe the trainers just know more
(12:03:26) Mike B.:eating healthier too
(12:03:49) Me: well, i am glad to see you have run out of valid arguements
(12:03:55) Me: so now you have turned to mockery
(12:04:08) Me: i'm sorry I had to prove you wrong
(12:04:16) Mike B.:yup
(12:04:23) Mike B.:guy is clean as a whistle
(12:04:38) Me: bitter doesn't make you less wrong

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