Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Am I here to amuse you?
It is T-Day week, so that means the week is over as of today. So I doubt you will see any more posts from me until next monday. Maybe sooner if something cool happens (by friday 5pm EST maybe?).
Monday, November 24, 2003
Alonzo's Done
From http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=1669704
Alonzo Mourning is retiring from the NBA due to further complications with his Kidney Disorder. Now Alonzo more of a true center then we are finding now. However Alonzo was actually too small to play NBA Centers. He was never able to handle the big true centers of his time; Shaq, Robinson, Ewing, Olajuwon. He is probably only 6'10" and it actually did show against these big centers. He never took the Heat to the promise land because he couldn't actually take over games and lead his teams to victories. Although one of the better shot blockers I have seen, he did not have alot to give on the offensive end. He never looked real good down on the block. His shot wasn't that pretty. He didnt have the thunderous dunks Shaq did either.
He probably could've helped the heat somewhat this year. Now we will never know. He was a solid player with a solid career. He certainly does not merit serious Hall of Fame talk. He was never really a dominate player during his years. I am not sure how his stats match up with other HOFers, but I do not use stats as the defining measurement of HOF status. Then again, I coudl make a case for Karl Malone not making the HOF either, even though I know he probably will(defintaly if he has the scoring title).
I made a snow flake!
Stupid brian. makign me do things like this.
p.s. border is for brian
Surprise Surprise
Well, Muhammed's Jury recommends death. What a shock (pun intended). Guy is part of a lot to kill 10 some odd people, so what do you expect. Fry him, but don't fry the kid. That is my theory. I am not sure how messed up in the head the kid is. If he is beyond repair, life will do him just fine.
See the death penelty is great for a case like this. Didn't he admit to doing it? (I might have my facts wrong on that). He is deranged and will never be able to live among the public ever again, so why bother letting him rot in prison, hoping that he will reform and be able to be paroled. Thats why we have the death penelty.
God bless corporal punishment (and Sargent Slaughter).
Just because I keep a blog ...
Does not mean that I have to continually update it for your pleasure. You are all lucky you get any little bit of Doug that you do get.
I can not help that you all feel the need to live vicariously through me. (But who can blame you?).
Maybe there are more important things goign on with me right now than keeping a blog crowd happy.
If you really need 5 posts-a-day excitment, look at This losers' blog that way you can enjoy his content as I already do.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Does Kobe have the HIV?
Maybe Kobe wants to be the next Magic, not the next Jordan:
He is required to take a HIV test under Colorado state law.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Mr. X (5:32:06 PM): so i hear
DougMartin17 (5:32:21 PM): saying you cant use steriods is liek saying you cant lift weights
Mr. X (5:33:36 PM): yep
DougMartin17 (5:33:42 PM): its true
DougMartin17 (5:33:48 PM): make it illegal or you ahve nothign to bitch about
Mr. X (5:34:32 PM): no way
DougMartin17 (5:35:00 PM): yes way
DougMartin17 (5:35:02 PM): why not?
Mr. X (5:35:17 PM): you cant compare just lifting of wieghts to abuse of steriods
DougMartin17 (5:35:20 PM): if its not illegal, why shouldnt they use it?
DougMartin17 (5:35:23 PM): yes i can.
DougMartin17 (5:35:28 PM): there is no difference
DougMartin17 (5:35:37 PM): none at all.
Mr. X (5:35:41 PM): thg is likely to be illegal
DougMartin17 (5:35:47 PM): each one give you an advantage.
Mr. X (5:35:50 PM): people dont always lift to get big
DougMartin17 (5:36:02 PM): i didnt say they did
DougMartin17 (5:36:07 PM): i said they do it to improve something
DougMartin17 (5:36:11 PM): or at least maintain
DougMartin17 (5:37:00 PM): its still an advantage is it not?
DougMartin17 (5:37:27 PM): two players of equal skill, one lifts weights all off season, the other one does nothing. who is going to be better?
Mr. X (5:37:35 PM): then walking or any physical activity should be illegal
Mr. X (5:37:42 PM): or practice for that matter
DougMartin17 (5:37:46 PM): nope.
DougMartin17 (5:37:48 PM): or yes
DougMartin17 (5:37:53 PM): depending on the angle you want
DougMartin17 (5:38:00 PM): but you are missing the point STILL
DougMartin17 (5:38:33 PM): the point is not that it is advantgeous
DougMartin17 (5:38:38 PM): it is that it is legal
DougMartin17 (5:38:46 PM): that is the point
DougMartin17 (5:39:00 PM): if you don't want people doing something advantageous you make it illegal
DougMartin17 (5:39:13 PM): practice is illegal at times fred, you know this. NCAA restrictions
Mr. X (5:39:55 PM): thats not true, supervised practice
DougMartin17 (5:40:09 PM): looking for loopholes now arent we fred
Mr. X (5:40:16 PM): and its only banned for the head coach
DougMartin17 (5:40:22 PM): exactly
DougMartin17 (5:40:31 PM): its banned.
They take their football seriously...
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A Columbus judge says he'll let an inmate stay in jail instead of moving him to prison right away so he can see the Ohio State-Michigan game on TV this Saturday.
Jeff Renne told Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Richard Sheward yesterday that he would plead guilty as long as he could stay in the county jail through the weekend. Inmates at the jail can watch TV, but it's off-limits at the Orient reception center, where they are held before they're moved to one of the state's prisons.
Renne was charged with forgery. He says if the Buckeyes win on Saturday, he'll still be "on cloud nine" despite being in prison.
Judge Sheward says he granted Renne's request because it's Michigan week and he thought he should do his part for the Buckeyes.
SNOW LYRICS - "Informer"
You know say daddy me snow me-a (gonna) blame
A licky boom-boom down
'Tective man he say, say Daddy Me Snow me stab someone down the lane
A licky boom-boom down
Police-a them-a they come and-a they blow down me door
One him come crawl through through my window
So they put me in the back the car at the station
From that point on I reach my destination
Well the destination reached in down-a East detention
Where they whip down me pants look up me bottom
Bigger they are they think they have more power
There on the phone me say that on hour
Me for want to use it once and-a me call me lover
Lover who me callin'-a the one Tammy
And me love her in my heart down to my belly-a
Yes say Daddy Me Snow me I feel cool and deadly
Yes the one MC Shan and the one Daddy Snow
Together we-a love 'em(?) as a tornado
Listen to me ya better listen for me now
Listen to me ya better listen for me now
When-a me rock-a the microphone, me rock on steady-a
Yes-a Daddy Me Snow me are the article don
But the in an a-out (?) a dance an they say, "Where ya come from?"
People them say I come from Jamaica
But me born and raised (in the ghetto) I want ya to know-a
Pure black people man thats all I man know
Yeah me shoes are-a tear up an-a my toes used to show-a
Where me-a born in-a the one Toronto
Come with a nice young lady
Intelligent, yes she gentle and irie
Everywhere me go me never lef' her at all-ie
Yes-a Daddy Snow me are the roam dance man-a
Roam between-a dancin' in-a in-a nation-a
You never know say Daddy Me Snow me are the boom shakata
Me never lay-a down flat in-a one cardboard box-a
Yes-a Daddy Me Snow me-a go reachin' out da top
Why would he? [repeat]
[MC Shan:]
Me sittin round cool with my jiggy jiggy girl
Police knock my door, lick up my pal
Rough me up and I cant do a thing
Pick up my line when my telephone ring
Take me to the station, black up my hands
Trail me down 'cause I'm hangin with the Snowman
What an I gonna do, I'm backed and I'm trapped
Smack me in my face, took all of my gap
They have no clues and they wanna get warmer
But Shan won't turn informer
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Pats Win!
Semi-interesting game tonight. Though, it did get a bit boring in the middle.
One question I rraised was about the Dallas QB. I want to know how to pronounce his name. Is it as all the announcers pronounce it "Quin - see" or is it "Quin-ZEE". The latter is how we pronounce the town south of Boston out here. It is how I also pronounce his name. Just something to think about.
Also why did Ty Law feel the need to run that pick out of the endzone? ok maybe you run it out, to kill the 3 seconds left. Then of course, you protect the ball when you are getting hit and just go down. Nope. He attempted a lateral at the end of the play. Not a very good one either. I am just not sure what the point was. Was he out to embarass Parcells? If so, why?
I can't wait to hear about that in the papers tommrow.
8-2 who would have thought it. Just imagine if we still had Colvin too. If we are not the second best team in football (Chiefs are definatlly #1 despit losing today), I would like to know who is.
Friday, November 14, 2003
by popular demand
The list of unattractive parts on a woman:
1. The ovary pouch - the space between the belly button and the nether regions that ALWAYS has a bump due to the ovaries(you can't get rid of it). This is the womans fault for wearing pants that are too low cut (i.e. Tara Reid)
2. the back of the knee - I like legs, but the back of the knee just doesn't look good, it just has weird lines to it.
3. armpits Does this really need to explained? Its kind of like the knees except smellier and potentially hairy.
Thursday, November 13, 2003
'Roid use 'rampant'
Well baseball somehow managed to have over 5% of its players test positive for steriod despite having advanced warning, to cycle off and be clean. Of course we all know how some of the players decided to not take the tests which results in an automatic positive result. Though how much this happened I am not sure. All i knwo is they had a chance (thanks to the horrible testing written in the CBA) to eliminate testing forever, but instead they found people still using and thus testing is in play for one more year. The great effect on the league: NOTHING. Not until random in season testing occurs. Of course this will happen when they have random bat x-rays to prevent corking too.
The most unattractive part on a woman

I swear this is the most unattractive part of the womans body, the space between the belly button and the nether regions. Why is it becomeing a trend for women to wear their pants hung so low. I HATE IT! I HATE IT!
It never looks good, why do they do it? I do blame Tara Reid the good for nothing 'actress' (term used loosely) seemed to have started this horrible trend. Lets go back to showing cleavage women, not gross parts.
as posted from page2 on espn.com :
1. Tara Reid (even though the work on josie and the pussy cats was Oscar caliber)
2. All Osbournes not named Ozzy (though that talk show of Sharons is so good its on WB)
3. Anna Nicole Smith (lost weight, still stupid and needy)
4. Joumana Kidd (proud owner of the UGLIEST kid i have ever seen, Bob Ryan was right about her)
5. George Steinbrenner (i disagree, he was a good owner, meddlsome, but has produced some champions)
6. Lizzie Grubman (i just dont know who she is)
7. Don Zimmer (has he ever done anything not sitting next to torre?)
8. Vanna White (doesn't even have to turn the letters any more)
9. Kato Kaelin (one word: accessory)
10. Anyone on Reality TV (true that)
Monday, November 10, 2003
joe millionaire
Unfortunatly i saw joe millionaire for a bit tonight. I was appalled but what i saw. Olinda Must be anorexic. She has the grossest breasts I have evern seen. Why was this thing chosen for the show?
I have to go throw up now.
New Trend in Names
I was listening to Howard Stern today (funny as hell today too, i love Norm MacDonald).
They did a news blurb on the new trend of people naming their children after populare culture icons. Not after pop culture people. Brand Names. Like naming your son Chevy or your daughter Armani.
I need to find this article and/or study so that I can post the ridiculousness. Why do people do this to their children? I heard one former NYC hoop star was named Scientific. What is this all about?
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Word to your mother ...
The 2003 patriots joined the mile-high club. No not that one (not that i know of at least). They became one of the few Patriots teams that actually went to Denver and WON. Of course it helps when the other team is starting a 3rd string QB. Now, I was going to be biased about this MNF game. It was probably going to be interesting to me anyways because it was the Pats. However I think this game turned out to be one of the best MNF games in recent memory. It was a tight game right down to the last few plays. It is definintly better than the Cowboys/Reskins stinker they had on last year or the year before. I should check the ratings and see if the good game resulted in better ratings.
I was watching the game in a bar and when the fumble on the punt return happened everyoen was groaning. Everyone except me. I was confident that we would be getting the play reversed. Belicheck throws the red hankie, we get the ball back on a correctly ruled ground-caused fumble. Of course the play of the gaem was the intentional safety. If you punt out of the end zone there, they probably get the ball at your 40 (best case scenario), which leaves them close to field goal range. However if Belicheck knew what was going to happen on the ensuing free kick he wouldn't have even had a tough decision. On the ensuing free kick, Denver decided to not catch the punt. they let it dribble down to the 15 yard line when they easily should've had it at their own 40. That was the play of the game right there. That mental block by the Broncos.
Now the Pats are 7-2 heading into their bye week. They have a 2 win cushion over the 5-3 dolphins and of course beat them in their only head-to-head matchup so far this year. The surprising part is that they are able to do this without a very good offense, or defense. injuries have hit this team hard and yet they have come to play every week. Will this continue? Not if they keep losing players. Have Richard Seymour out this monday killed the Pats pass rush, and against a more able offense(i.e. not Dany Kanell) they would've been destroyed. If they get the defense solidified and the offense starts kicking in (bench antowain smith) we could cause srious trouble and make a little run into the playoffs.