Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Paris Hilton and Vin Diesel
Ok, I was going to make this two posts, but I didn't feel like it.
Paris Hilton.
Ok, I have been watching a lot of that paparazzi show on E!. She is always in it. I can't figure it out. What is this girls claim to fame? She lives on daddy's money, so that makes her famous? She's not really that pretty of a girl (check out the schnozz). She wears some god-awful outfits. I guess because she mingles with the celebrities (thanks to the allowance from dad, I suppose) she becomes qualified to be a celebrity herself.
Well, here she is :

Vin Diesel.
Wow, Vin Diesel. Where to start? First off, we will ignore the rumors that he was a gay porn star. I don't know if the rumors can be substantiated or not, but I don't care. Actually If they were, things would make sense. He is a buff guy but his voice. It is that voice that drives me insane. Its such a bad voice for him. Guy has an ugly mug, is pretty well jacked, and has a tiny little girls voice. His voice sounds like a stereotypical gay man's voice. It drives me insane. Well with more bombs under his belt than a middle east maniac, he should be fading off the screen again. At least until the next fast and the furious comes out. Then he will think he is a star again. Totally ignoring the fact that the only people I heard who like the movie are people who watch it for the cars. Oh well, a boy can dream, right Vin.

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