Monday, September 08, 2003

Monday Night Football

Well MNF just started for the year 2003. Already MNF had made the worst move of the year by not getting Melissa Stark back. A hot woman who knew football? Wow, That was good. Lisa Guerro, she just seems to be a bad attempt at eye candy. She doesn't seem to know ANYTHING about football and shes old. She looks old and shes not as hot as Melissa was.

The MNF intro used to be quite entertaining and enjoyable. Now they have Britney Spears doing part of the song. She ruins it. Hopefully this is just an attempt to start off the year wiht a bang. I hope she is not in every week's intros. Her voice is just all wrong for the song. Shes too quiet and throaty for such an UP song.

There, glad to get that off my chest.

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