Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Don't random IM me people!!!

My screen name common gets people confused. This time i decided to have a little fun:

hotcakess288: hey daryle its sarah did you hear about
the new jm tour dates? hes gonna be up here at the
bryce jordan center at my college (psu) on the 31st of
oct! tix on sale at 12:00 on sept 12th!! hes also gonna
be at madison

Auto response from DMartin17: work. You can IM
me at: DougMartin17.

DMartin17: awesome

hotcakess288: yeah i thought so too

hotcakess288: i was pretty stoked

hotcakess288: how do you like the new cd

DMartin17: its ok

DMartin17: not as good as i expected

DMartin17: im going to go to the msg one i think

hotcakess288: ooo

: i really love it

: its not as up tempo though

: wait you sure msg is the 12th?

hotcakess288: how did your pics turn out?

hotcakess288: no bryce jordan is the 12th

hotcakess288: its in teh jm newsletter

DMartin17: ha ha

DMartin17: i gotta read that, im behind

hotcakess288: hahaha it was a boring day at college so
i got caught p

hotcakess288: up

DMartin17: lucky

hotcakess288: so you really dont like the cd that much

hotcakess288: yeah i know:-D

DMartin17: no, i do

DMartin17: just wish it was more ...

DMartin17: more like upbeat, youi know

hotcakess288: well i dont know its more like about all
that teenage finding yourself shit ---im a fan of that i guess

hotcakess288: the ultimate album for me is still any
given thursday

DMartin17: ha ha

DMartin17: then that would do it

hotcakess288: that shit changed my life

DMartin17: true

hotcakess288: o man

DMartin17: i dunno though

hotcakess288: i really like only heart though

hotcakess288: and new deep

DMartin17: i still think hes pretty overrated

hotcakess288: really??

DMartin17: ya

DMartin17: i mean whats the diff between him and

hotcakess288: i thought ou were a crazy fan

DMartin17: was.

hotcakess288: dmb is sooo out there lyrically

DMartin17: his songs blend in with all the others now

hotcakess288: why what happened to change your mind

DMartin17: i barely even recognize his on the radio

hotcakess288: ooo

DMartin17: its ousnded new at first

DMartin17: i dunno

DMartin17: seems like he is form the same cookie
cutter as those other guys

hotcakess288: god i still get those high feelings when i
hear his stuff

hotcakess288: hmm i cant agree with you there

hotcakess288: but you met him what was he like

DMartin17: he was kind of weird

hotcakess288: how so?

DMartin17: not as much into his fans as you would

hotcakess288: really?

DMartin17: ya

DMartin17: hes just like, looking for some action

hotcakess288: hahaha

DMartin17: i wanted to talk about his songs

DMartin17: but he wasnt really having that

hotcakess288: well i wonder if hat is a bad thing

DMartin17: lots of "uh huh, ya sures"

hotcakess288: oo that sucks

hotcakess288: thats dissappointing

DMartin17: ya and i was trying to discuss the
meanings of all the songs

DMartin17: and he was like "dude, they are just songs,
i gotta go."

hotcakess288: and he blew that off

hotcakess288: wow is that a direct quote?

hotcakess288: if so i am shocked

DMartin17: semi-direct

DMartin17: but that was the essence

hotcakess288: hly poop

DMartin17: ya tell em about it

hotcakess288: holy*

DMartin17: i was floored

hotcakess288: i am too:-[

DMartin17: see thats why you shouldnt meet the stars
you like

DMartin17: they always let you down

DMartin17: anyways ... i gotta jet. nice talking to you

hotcakess288: well i dont know

hotcakess288: thats sad cause i thought he was so
great cause we (as far as my fan knowledge can
determine) have the same sense of humor

DMartin17: ya, you might

hotcakess288: :-(now i am really sad

DMartin17: maybe it was jsut the atmosphere you

DMartin17: ill give him the benefit of the doubt

DMartin17: maybe i was the upteenth person to try to
talk to him that day

hotcakess288: yeah like meet and greet gotta rush to
say hi to everyone??!?!

DMartin17: and he was just getting annoyed

DMartin17: exactly

DMartin17: and its like, how many times can you
discuss the same thing?

hotcakess288: well i can still have fantasies about him i

hotcakess288: true true

DMartin17: sure can

DMartin17: you arent disenchanted yet :-) only I am

hotcakess288: wow he just seemed so deep and...i dont

DMartin17: See I think he is just in the same boat as
like jason mraz

DMartin17: they are all the same

hotcakess288: well now i guess i have to meet him to to
find out

DMartin17: and david gray

hotcakess288: how so?

DMartin17: ya. then we can see if it was just me
feeling neglected

hotcakess288: haha i hope not

DMartin17: oh well

DMartin17: ill stioll buy his albums, its just changed i

hotcakess288: somehow i feel cheated now

DMartin17: ehhh

DMartin17: don't

DMartin17: i shouldnt have said anything

hotcakess288: no this has been very educational

hotcakess288: so why do you still go to his concerst
and are you still gonna try to to get meet and greet tickets

hotcakess288: :-\

DMartin17: maybe

DMartin17: might not try as hard though :-)

DMartin17: and plus then i can get them for you!! :-)

DMartin17: and you can meet him

hotcakess288: holy shit

DMartin17: ?

hotcakess288: at least if i met him and i didnt like him i
would love you forever

DMartin17: oh ya?

hotcakess288: :-D

hotcakess288: o yeah

DMartin17: so its win win for me then!!:-)

hotcakess288: hahaha yes it definetly is

DMartin17: good. i cn't wait to get them then ;-)

DMartin17: ill remeber this promise

hotcakess288: maybe we can go to a concert together

DMartin17: you know what. lets book that

hotcakess288: it sucked last time when we were far

hotcakess288: ok then

hotcakess288: something to look forward too

DMartin17: exactly

DMartin17: ok, im sorry to do this, but i have to go

DMartin17: :'(

hotcakess288: ok

hotcakess288: this has been fun

DMartin17: really

hotcakess288: well have to talk again later

DMartin17: we should do it more ;-)

hotcakess288: more about jm

hotcakess288: yeah:-D

DMartin17: sure, or other things ....

hotcakess288: like how i love ur friend matt mcdonald

DMartin17: ya .... more like you love me

hotcakess288: well thats obvious

DMartin17: and not jsut cause im gonna get you to
meet jm

hotcakess288: no cause your cool

DMartin17: ahhh

DMartin17: the truth come s out

DMartin17: you gotta get me a picture of you and the
nitnay lion

hotcakess288: i will i will

hotcakess288: or just this random hot guy in my math
class named ben

hotcakess288: he plays the guitar!!!---and so the cycle

hotcakess288: what is it about guys and guitars

DMartin17: hah a

DMartin17: i dunno

DMartin17: its an aprhodisiac i guess

hotcakess288: you said it

DMartin17: fine, i just want a picture of you for my
wallpaper! :-)

hotcakess288: hahaha that will be fun

DMartin17: for everyone!!

hotcakess288: me as someones wallpaper

DMartin17: what? why not.

hotcakess288: i just dont have a super star quality about

DMartin17: lol

DMartin17: not form what i hear

hotcakess288: how a bout a pic of me plaing my guitar?

hotcakess288: o really?

DMartin17: hmmm a guitar playing chick wallpaper?

DMartin17: i can dig that

hotcakess288: will that do?

DMartin17: send it over

hotcakess288: well i dont have the hardware over here

DMartin17: lol

hotcakess288: i can end t by snail mail

hotcakess288: send*

DMartin17: nah, just find someone to scan it sometime

hotcakess288: ok i will try

hotcakess288: sen it to where?

DMartin17: :-) i bet you will

DMartin17: you can just im it to me

hotcakess288: i will i ill

hotcakess288: o tay

DMartin17: but we will cross that bridge when we get

DMartin17: well, study

hotcakess288: provided i get some of your frind matt

hotcakess288: i am believe me

DMartin17: how about me and matt?

hotcakess288: works for me

DMartin17: good

DMartin17: well until next time!!!

hotcakess288: later

Man I can lie real good. I tried to get a picture too. but to no avail.

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