Thursday, July 26, 2007
Ten New Etiquette Tips for the Workplace
1. Forget the exit interview.
I've only had one, but it didn't seem like a big deal. Lots of BS-ing from me about why I was leaving (company falling apart, everyone leaving. even those were the real reasons). Just get through them as fast as possible without burning bridges.
2. Don't ask for time off, just take it.
This one is hard for me to train myself to do. Now it is true with the way most people get to work flexible hours this should be true. Just let the co-workers know where you are form 9-5 and you should be covered. At my last job it was easy. Quick e-mail saying when you would be gone and when you would be back. Might take some getting use to but if you can manage your time, it's pretty simple.
3. Keep your headphones on at work.
With most open office setups they do tend to get quite noisy. It is ok to try to block out the office to get some work done. You need to be careful that you don't block out the office all the time and get anti-social. You need to make your self known to your co-workers. Other wise you might not get fully noticed for the work that you have done and miss out on raises and promotions.
4. Say no to video résumés.
This is just dumb. No one wants this.
5. Invite your CEO to be a friend on Facebook.
Of course then you can't use facebook (myspace, or any other social network) to rave about how drunk you got on a Tuesday. So if you do it, be careful.
6. Do reconnaissance on your probable boss.
It's great if you have the time to find ex-workers from the job you are seeking. Ex-employees have nothing to lose to tell you both pro's and con's about yoru soon-to-be job.
7. Don't try to improve a coworker.
Just get over the fact that they aren't going anywhere. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Or leave your job like I did.
8. Don't blog under a pseudonym.
Why hide unless you are being inappropriate?
9. Call people on the weekend for work.
Just be careful. Some people set up their week so they don't have to answer calls on the weekends. Find out who is ok to call and who isn't. e-mails are better to send on the weekends because if they don't check them it can't bother them, right?
10. Be nice like your job depends on it.
You don't need to be a suck up, but it's good to have friends if you ever want to switch jobs or otherwise have someone do favors for you. You don't need to be liked to have success, you can hope you work is merit enough. It's a lot easier if you have help though.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
SoundWave Mp3 Player
It's good to see people are acknowledging the public's outrage at Soundwave having been left out of the Transformers movie.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Another Stock I'm following
In a nut shell they sell hardware system that allows utilities to shutdown/startup services from a central point. This saves the utility money in the man hours that it takes to send out a serviceman to the site. Also (especially in places like New Jersey) it allows them to remotely fire up generators which is key because due to government constraints they don't always know when they are allowed to turn them on.
Looks like we could see major growth in this stock over the next year.
Looks like there is plenty of room for growth here too.